Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match ID: 21062273

Souls: 83k - 140k

Kills: 5 - 36

One of the worst matchups I've had in awhile. Queued as a duo. 3 out of 4 lanes had our initial towers destroyed within 4 minutes and 2 walkers were destroyed by about 8 minutes with 3 walkers destroyed by 10 minutes. We werent able to destroy a single one of their towers until minute 13.
21063858: 16 minute stomp, with 120k vs 60k soul difference at the end. 2 or 3 people on losing team complained that they were just trying out new character. Feels like system doesn't lower person's overall mmr enough when they try a new, more complicated character.

Unwarranted recommendation: each *new* character need to have a different weight on how much they lower mmr -> wraith should have lower weight, while viscous should have higher weight.
21055069: Queuing as a 5 stack, game seemed very confused on what MMR to put us in and put us fairly low, we ran over them in lane and the game wasnt even close.
20749070: Solo queue, game snowballed out of control extremely quickly, not sure if this was matchmakings fault or the intended way for the game to play out but it was extremely decisive.
20474582: Teams were not balanced at all, very confusing game, enemy team could do almost nothing and lost in 16 mins.
20196731: Another extremely onesided game.

total rout that should've ended 30 minutes prior if only because the winning team decided they wanted to do victory laps through both jungles for half an hour
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
MATCH ID: 21066910
got completely blown out most unfun deadlock game in awhile, they had 2 or 3 players that just ran through us. their teamfights were coordinated while ours were just us dying, much fun.

The Haze on our team clearly didn't know what the heck they were doing. Legit got outplayed so badly that they were down nine deaths and 9,000 souls to their lane opponent.
I don't think we should have played against this team. Obviously nekoscore is a crude metric but even the Bebop, who was rated highest, didn't perform at all. Rest of them were almost half of our "reported MMR".

MATCHID: 21072024
I cant believe the game just proved why this thread is necessary with such succinct back to back games:
First we rolled them, didn't bother to defend objectives and I was able to more or less singlehandedly nab two walkers. We basically farmed their spawn in our last push. Ended with almost double their souls.
The very next game, we got annihilated. We lost every lane, and then everyone else on my team just kept piling into a single lane and feeding, while I wither tried to support and fed too or took advantage of the overcommitment to nab a single walker while the entire rest of my team died. The worst part is that their team overcommitted to a single lane too, but we never punished them for it and by the end they were farming our spawn. The Wraith, Mo & Krill, and Vindica each have more object damage then our entire team combined.

And these games were back-to-back.
21068467 Somehow I got stuck with a 0-20 Abrams as a lane mate, whom Kelvin defends that he is new to the game. Can the amount of matches played be factored into matchmaking? Babysitting makes the game not fun.


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