Bad Matchmaking Thread

MatchID: 21043741
There was a three stack (bebop, mirage, and paradox) who were all went basically 1-13, they were clearly a three stack and incredibly under skilled for the match. Also they were griefing (pausing abuse, etc)
match id: 21032634, the Lash allways giving kills, the player never engages on combat or in a teamfight, even less does an objetive and he is a high elo player. AND the team when im in teamfights never helps like they are on spectator mode.


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Match #21045303 was a roll. Everyone lost their lane, so it wasn't just me and my friend I queued with, and it felt like we couldn't do anything. I've had some great comebacks, but this was just a stomp. Their vindicta and paradox never missed us and it was oppressive. I should note, the queue time was noticeably longer than usual if that makes a difference.
No context needed. They simply were better than everyone. I love push comps that have zero counterplay.


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Just now today 10/7. We won in literally 15 mins and by like 10 mins I was practically able to solo their whole team. Feels like it was wayyy unbalanced. They could barely even push lanes. I'm guessing newer players accidentally queued against me and others like me with 230+ hours.
As you can see, the enemy team is all around the same skill level based on souls, KDA, etc. My team is all over the place. I keep getting games like this where the enemy team is full of competent players that are coordinating well together throughout late game, and my team has 2-3 players that seem like they should be in a much lower ELO or fighting bots tbh. Things do go in the other direction occasionally as well, but seemingly a lot less than against me. Dunno if that's just confirmation bias or something.
Match ID: 21050011
Match lasted 11 min 29 seconds. Zero kills, sub 5k point team, vs 13-14.5k team. Quote from Emaciated Fox: I'm wondering if we were matched with completely new players, it was just over so quick.
Match ID 21051237

Multiple people on my team not knowing basic things about the map like item shops on enemy side, not able to take walkers, mostly just running around farming and doing nothing.
Match ID 21047074

Green, Yellow, and Purple lanes were well balanced/matched up. Blue lane was 0 kills to 13+ by 9 minutes, with the Sapphire team lane up 17,739 souls to Amber's 8,940. Game ended shortly after due to the snowballing.
21051895 - 50:08 length, pretty close all things considered when it came down to the wire, but the Amber Seven, Sapphire Pocket, Sapphire Talon, and the Sapphire Mirage just genuinely didn't belong in this match. Mirage and Talon had very low player damage, all four of them (and Amber Geist to an extent) contributed very little to objectives, and all four of them went into the negatives with their KD ratio.
20678431 - 45:29 length, I genuinely didn't belong in this match if character specific MMR is a thing. I'm too new of a Mo/Krill player, and it felt like I was an absolute detriment to the team because of my lack of skill. The Amber Paradox wasn't fairing any better, going 0-12.
20666163 - 32:34 in length, but it felt like an absolute curb stomp of a match. Amber Hand just kept dropping like flies and couldn't really respond to the snowball effect.
Enemy Souls: 340,000
Ally Souls: 220,000



Deadlock Current Player count: 58000
Deadlock Peak Player count: 170,000

You're telling me that you can't find matches of similar skilled players from that pool? That means either:

A) You're not trying (probable)
B) You're not able (also probable)
C) The Hero Discrepancies/unbalance is really bad (Probable)
D) There's some fundamental design flaws with scaling (probable)
Используйте эту ветку для обмена matchid для игр, в которых, по вашему мнению, матчмейкер плохо справился. Если вы можете объяснить, в чем, по вашему мнению, была проблема, это также будет полезно.

Не публикуйте matchid для игр, которые были в течение последних 24 часов с момента этого поста. Игры старше этого возраста подходят, и игры, которые будут выходить в будущем, подходят.

Спасибо за помощь.
21043965 I re-entered the game after the match started, got stuck in the texture (in the teleport room) and sat there until the doors opened at the 7th minute. This is only the first reason for publication. The second is a terrible matchmaking system, considering that I sat for 7 minutes without souls in the texture, after I left, I outfarmed their entire team and we won.