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  • this beautiful man cured my league of legends addiction. I've been sober from league for 9 months after starting to play in 2012. THESE ARE MY HUNTING GROUNDS
    Still waiting for any form of anti-cheat to be added... getting tired of losing to talents who have 2 hours and 60%+ headshot every match.

    Edit: uninstalled. Only russians / ukrainians cheating on EU servers now. GG
    Hi, I have 900 hours in the game, but when I first tried to join
    discord, something went wrong. Could you please invite me? I would be very grateful. Thanks!
    In this match the seven was zip lining in and inting, trolling, possible bot account, please ban this user .

    Match ID: 31792707
    Hello Yoshi, my friend plays a lot of Grey Talon and Bebop Uppercut seems to have a bug where Grey Talon gets locked into being very immobile. The patch on 12-06 was supposed to "lock enemies out of air control for a max of 0.5s (down from 1s)" but it seems that every time he flies as he's getting upper cutted he's locked in for longer than even 1s. Is there an explanation to why this is happening, or is this a bug?
    I point out him is cheater in pubilc chat and he change a same steam name with me after match. 0 level steam profile, not only a account pls ban machine . thank you. I am so sad this disgusting cheater change my name keep cheating in the game.
    matchid 31766637
    steamid 76561199688745876
    31490110 pls watch this is game, cheater played on bebop and have 4 hours in game, plsss
    I am writing to you again: Здравствуйте уважаемый Йоши, разберитесь пожалуйста с читерами, я могу выслать вам ID игрока и запись игры, если вы не можете идентифицировать читеров, то позвольте нам - игрокам - сделать это за вас.
    ID игрока (читер играл на Виндикте): 31360634
    I am writing to you again: Здравствуйте уважаемый Йоши, разберитесь пожалуйста с читерами, я могу выслать вам ID игрока и запись игры, если вы не можете идентифицировать читеров, то позвольте нам - игрокам - сделать это за вас.
    ID игрока (читер играл на Виндикте): 31360634
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