Bad Matchmaking Thread


Insanely easy lane phase for me, i stomped seven, enemy didnt even know about denying souls.
I have 40 fps rn in game on average so its actually insane for me to have such scores.
But not only i got out the lane phase and started stomping on everyone, but my team was horrifying, they didnt know how to push, didnt know how to communicate, they were farming jungle instead of grouping to end.
Match nekoscore 145, on avg i have 400 and i was the highest in lobby.
Awful game to play tbh, very unfair and unpleasent.
I've had had some pretty uneven games as well. But yesterday I had an very even one. We lost it, but it was great fun, because it felt like an even playing field. Not everyone was performing the same, but that doesn't have to be the case for a good mmr, imo. When you have a basic mmr system and just give points for winning and subtract points for loosing, eventually players who perform better and adapt to the team will rise. This can be archived through team play, carrying etc.

I would just love to have more clarity on how the mmr works. Also to know, which servers we play on and what people we are matched with. This all plays a huge role in the performance of the game and in the overall feel of the game. E.g. when I only play with russians, its hard for me to communicate, since I dont speak it, and probably vice versa. Since communication plays a big role in the game, that alone can be a major issue.

I get that the game is in development, things dont work as smooth or are not considered finished. All Im saying is, that imo it would help us players a lot to know, how and why certain things are happening or not happening. So that we can better asses the situation and are not frustrated with some of the devs decissions. It might be you guys (the devs) just want to try something out. But let us know, so we're not getting too upset.

You have a really cool game here, but I was on the point of saying, I will ditch the game, because of performance issues (that I only have in deadlock) and mmr issues. That is not what you (the devs) want to achive. You want your game tested by as many ppl as possible to get us the game we want to play for years to come.
Every game felt like there was someone on our team that didn't belong in the lobby. The first one I feel like I'm significantly better than anyone else on the team. The second one was very lopsided, it put a very bad Mirage against a decent Pocket, which completely smoked the Mirage player, Yamato and Wraith also felt very clueless compared to my other teammates the Kelvin and Shiv. The third one I was the best player on my team by a mile and no one knew what to do. I had a Haze that didn't farm at all. The last one, one or two members of each team felt completely useless, feels like they are a whole different bracket from other players. I think some of them might be because of the game matching parties together but I'm not sure. Recently all the games have felt incredibly easy but the quality is low, and the matchmaker seems to try to match a few good players on one team against another team with a few good players, filling the rest with people that have no concept of how the game should work.
Match ID: 21090154

Nothing I could do here. I played correctly, our team's souls weren't even THAT far behind our opponents. Yet it was a no-contest. My team couldn't handle our opponent. It was a skill issue plain and simple.
21100891 - My lane partner is clueless. Up against people who can actually last hit and deny (I still out cs'd them, as usual) and our haze left Seven to farm the entire lane by himself, and was entirely fucking useless. What kind of haze can't even contribute with 4?

20813415 - Everyone was lost. I went 14-0 and was watching TV at the same time.

20817659 - Again, everyone was lost. 24-2, lightyears ahead of everyones farm and actually keeping lanes in check. I only died because I bought soul rebirth.................................................................................

Stop putting me with these people. This is fucking beyond insulting, and quite frankly demotivating. Whatever your babysitter or bigbrother algorithm is, toss it. This is complete trash for solo queuers who can chew their own cereal.

I think I'll be done for a while until this is ironed out. It may never be, though. Considering the state of matchmakers in every other game, including valves. People like me will probably still be labelled babysitter.
Just to make it easier for me I will update this reply once in a while, also to prevent spam.

1. 21104832 - The match was way too one sided. After 15 minutes, we didn't even get close to the fourth enemy guardian while they were pushing base. Their overall mechanical skill level was way too high for us.
Having anything else be tracked outside of win/lose can be exploited and is a bad metric.

This is not a team deathmatch game and kills dont matter, only things that matters is killing their patron.

This would only incentivize people to statpad and not play as a team.
However, the current matchmaking system makes it so that solo players are often powerless when it comes to the outcome of the game. I feel that I perform well in every match, but sometimes I still end up with a losing streak. After a losing streak, I'm matched with lower-skilled opponents, which allows me to dominate the laning phase easily and end the game with a huge advantage. In these games, my stats are usually something like 20-0. Most of my matches now are either one-sided stomps or being stomped. I believe that only by matching players with similar MMR and in-game performance can we have high-quality games.
I have 278 matches, and I make an average of 10-15 kills each match and at the same time have a weak percentage of wins (Win Rate) Almost every game I get thrown by a weak team that is several times weaker than me in terms of understanding the game, etc.
example: screenshot below, my team and I played with all our might and still couldn't win, this happens almost every game. Whatever I do, I will not be able to influence the victory in the game.

example: screenshot below, my team and I played with all our might and still couldn't win, this happens almost every game. Whatever I do, I will not be able to influence the victory in the game.
oh, hey look!


Another 0-15 player is on my team. I dominate my lane, and am surrounded by timmy and kyles.

This is fucking terrible.

You guys 110% stole blizzard's matchmaker from Overwatch that's about player retention and labeling people as babysitters, didn't you? I can smell it from here.


Got completely destroyed, couldn’t even farm our lane at all. The entire enemy team felt like professionals and we were little shrimps fresh from the ocean.