Bad Matchmaking Thread

21162025 I feel like that team composition was bad
we had vindicta talon haze and mirage and geist + mcginnis so 4 pretty squishy and 2 moderately squishy
lash yamato beebop warden seven dynamo

player skill seemed somewhat even but i don´t feel like the hero composition was remotely ok
21162107 - Had the same Lash from 21155213................ except I laned against him. What a surprise, he's dogshit. And here I am, carrying, farming, and wondering why the fuck everyone is dying for no reason.

Once again, add CS / Denies to matchmaking stats and weigh them heavily. Everyone will be happy. There's no fucking reason I am so bored in every game and wonder wtf my team is doing.


The teams skill level was extremely uneven. My friend and I were playing our heroes for the first time. Okay, the matchmaking might not take it into account, but why weren't we assigned the same lane??

Match ID: 21182844
Just felt like a stomp, 26 minutes, 210k souls vs 141k, felt like basically all our team was better than basically all of their team (no premades as far as I could tell, at least I was solo queue)
21183382 - team had close to no idea what to do, others was probably a full stack, with synergy between their characters and pushed objectives ofc, we got a griefing kelvin with the ultimate (and rep for vc/text ofc)
edit: all games today felt 1 sided, team full on trolling, enemy team deadlocked
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A sub 25 minute stomp. "god" was also being a total jerk, reported for racist voice chat.


Another blowout, under 30 minutes. Our team had eight kills to Amber's zero by six minutes in. By thirteen minutes that was up to 22-2. Both of these games had strong Vindictas and weak McGinnises/Infernuses, though I'm not sure if that's meaningful.

Every lane was completely overwhelmed. My teammates only thought about fighting and didn't farm at all. We got snowballed and lose the game in 20min.
Match ID: 21212796
Everyone except me got stomed on the line. I managed well to keep up and even overfarm any 20kills enemy. Regardless, my team got massively underwhelmed and I blame 50 wr system for that. This system is so obvious that I just lose and win by order to keep ideal 50%. Can't believe smh.
Match ID: 21212243
Was playing with a team off all solo queue against a team that was at least a 3 stack. No chance of keeping up since camps were down or our team jumped into the teamfight while behind.

Also don't put Cyrillic speakers with the rest of Europe they don't speak a word of English.
This was probably the Infernus' first game played and the rest of the team was similarly brand new to the game, something goofed here.

Match ID: 21219686

game felt impossible to play. apparently the enemy team was a stack with a party of sorts, and crushed us all game. was impossible for me to try and setup a fight without instantly having the 1v1 turned in a 1v3. Yamato felt extremely strong and spent the whole game wondering how or why i took so much damage seemingly from nowhere

Either hero MMR multiplier is off (decent players with back heros) or general MMR is off.
Game was basically over at the 18 minute mark but enemy team kept farming for a bit before pushing and ending it, multiple players basically feeding on 1 team.

- clearly playing with new / low mmr players that are not at the same level as me or the opponents
- seem to queue into a 5 stack as a duo