Bad Matchmaking Thread


Straight up impossible to win a game when queueing in a duo (unless both you and your partner are experienced I assume). These are just 4 examples, but I think my winrate in duos is about 15%, whereas my account winrate is just over 50%. And it's not just one person, I've duo'd with a handful of different people.

I can understand giving groups a little bit of a challenge just for being groups, but this is ridiculous. You are actively discouraging me from playing with my friends, and therefor actively discouraging me from playing the game at all. This is made doubly worse by the invite-a-friend model. Of course everyone is gonna think the matchmaking is bad if they get invited, lose 10 games in a row, and then give up on the game.
Match 21261804: We were behind from beginning to end, but around 9min was the beginning of the true snowball affect. As soon as laning was over, they were already way ahead due to their higher skill. From 9min on, they roamed and did whatever they wanted. Lash was the only one who "fed" in the typical sense but all lanes were behind skill and soul wise.


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Match 21261574
Got stuck in a long match with players that were far beyond what we could deal with.
Match 21484412
41 kills to 4 kills, multiple lanes getting steamrolled regardless of what was done to slow them down.
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21264574: entire enemy team felt like a full stack, targeting players as a whole. my entire team must of been new except the kelvin (buddy of mine) and I couldnt take a team fight with my own team from either being dispersed or singled out. Mo & Krill seems nearly impossible to kill in late game in scenarios like this, and vindicta when she slams all of her AP into her ult, she can snowball the entire game
Match 21266024 - Time 48:02 - Victory Team 18k Lead - Amber team wouldn't push objective and want to try to just kill the enemy. Shiv felt like a new player and was far behind everyone else. Obj was secondary and caused the loss. 100% winnable and close match but 150hr in to the game and getting paired up with members who just want to kill? It should have even been close with the team comp we had.

A 16 minute match (54k soul difference between teams) and a 19 minute match (51k difference)


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I don't even know what this match was. My duo partner and i (Chilip) were not laned together so we swapped. Lane was one of the hardest in weeks and then Grey talon was basically new. The hell was even htis match?
21278287 - I kept casting Healing Rite instead of Cube because there's barely any difference between the visual casting states and I got killed multiple times early on because of it. That didn't seem to matter though because all the other lanes got fucked at about the same time which ended in the shortest, most annoying, waste of time match I've ever played.
21283120 one of the lanes just got absolutely bodied and we couldn't recover
21292623 opponents lost every lane, mine was a complete stomp
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Match ID: 21285120

Aside from the rightmost lane with Paradox/Pocket, this was a pretty hard stomp. The Shiv I was laning against seemed like a brand new player - did not deny souls, didn't know what Shiv's ult does, spent considerable amounts of time in the shop, letting me take the guardian and walker super early.

By contrast I have 220 hours ingame, with Ivy as one of my most played heroes.
