Bad Matchmaking Thread

As @nebuduplakat said, the same here. Our team strong and other team weak, no matter which team I were
  1. 21290834 - lost - my team 88k vs 150k
  2. 21286602 - won - my team 112k vs 78k
  3. 21281026 - lost - my team 126k vs 170k
  4. 21239875 - won - my team 199k vs 151k
  5. 21229337 - lost - my team 158k vs 231k
  6. 21194383 - won - my team 115k vs 60k
  7. 21063741 - won - my team 199k vs 143k

The Grey Talon played his third game in this top 5% match and did almost nothing and had no concept of game mechanics. He has a duo that allowed him to boost into a higher MMR. Infernus was also being boosted into the match through his duo. Perhaps there should be a range limit on who you can play with. I've seen the warning but an entire team shouldn't be punished for allowing this.
Match 21301350 - Time 42:02 - Victory Team -2k -Amber Team won but only because I drove all of the objective(28.3k) along with Infernus(16.1k). Everyone else 9k, 5k,4k,3k. The team was fighting to fight. Not over objectives but in the jungle or middle of the lane. Pocket was just farming jungle and never assist in the team fight until we had to stay it multiple time to join the team. No objective damage to hardly speak of. Team didn't work together. Sapphire, if a little better would have won easily. If they had tried to stop me a bit more we would have lost at the 20min mark.

All night has been one lost after another after another after another........
Why no map awareness, no team play, didn't know how to play their characters

Additional games

Very frustrating day. One bad match after another. I really enjoy this game but the match making is so wild on how it makes the team. Please go back to pre-mirage patch match making until this is fixed.
21301361 - I was q'd w/ the lash we both held our own in our lane and overall in the game as you can see from deaths 4 other tm8s had 11, 13, 11, and 9.
21304521 - Again q'd w/ the lash both dominated our lane/game 2 had 15,16 (no shot they are real) -_- and 2 had 8,6 (just not the sharpest tools in the shed)
I've been playing the game for over 140 hours and was having a blast. I got to a point where I won 26 games out of 30. Most play Haze just for contest purposes (I'm Master 2 dva main and Diamond 3 Sombra main in overwatch)(usually I was Diamond 1 or Master 5 in apex)I've been around the block a couple of times)since last week match making now is like win 1 lose 3 or 4 games. win 2 lose 6 or 7 isn't very good. also, you need to create a system that allows players to vote to just quit the game. instead of having to wait 30 to 45 minutes to get a loss. It doesn't look good, if you want the game to succeed you need to fix this!!!
21309544 - Relentless feeding by all members of sapphire flame except Infernus. 56k soul lead at the end of the game.
21217588 - 14 min game ended with 60k lead (1-30 kills ratio)
21193561 - 17 min game ended with 70k lead (5-39 kills ratio)
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Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
21315156 - Feel like I was the only one who knows how to play on my team. Teammates later confirm that they are new players. I have more than 100 hours and it wasn't fun being the only one doing lanes, defense and fights.
21092782 - absolutely stomp the enemies with 0/5/0, 0/4/0, 0/8/1
21314718 - got 2 flyers as teammates but can't fly, does they can't press other button other than left click?
21316996 - brain dead teammates, no game sense at all, 1 dude game 1.8 hours gameplay while me have 100+ hours
Match ID: 21312899
I just feel Vindicta vs Mcginnis in lane is a bad choice Vindicta has -10% bullet resist and mcginnis has the highest starting gun dps
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
21334187. Enemy had no chance.