Bad Matchmaking Thread

Your matchmaker is awful. Please have a draft sometime this year so your game might have something remotely playable. I'd love to know what I'm supposed to do here. Every lane fed, can't initiate because of dynamo. Can't even walk into a lane because of Lash. Can't even try to farm because you decided having invisibilty with zero footstep detection is super fun.
two types,
Low-level enemy

just too fast, 22min finish the game and we get it too easy

Low-level teammates

my teammates are definitely not on my level, they just feeding enemy or abandon me when i help him
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help

An example among many: ID21352070
One team gets leavers and the other side stomps. I've never left a game and keep getting queued with rage quitters.
The issue is that leavers aren't punished hard while matchmaking apparently signs up extremely one sided games.
In this instance we couldn't even leave because the "safe to leave" didn't show up, despite having both Krill and Warden quit.

Once the ball goes to one side it seems extremely hard to ever get a chance to come back from it. A comeback mechanic is severely needed since if 2 lanes are winning side by side, both are "dead" and you can almost never recover from it. My lane was pushed in and i even froze it, but since the next lane was also losing it didn't matter and i spent 18 minutes in the enemies farm simulator.

Im McGinnis in this game and since Vindicta got a around the wall melee of on me while not being visible she got the lead, while the other lanes faced similar situations.

I think the early kills are too valuable since if you get a bad matchup you lose the entire lane almost immediately. In the case with Vindicta she can literally tower camp me from the air and never get tower aggro while being able to play completely safe under her own. Basically you can't shift the power dynamic at any point since you need to play aggressive up close to challenge her, but if you do she just plays under tower while damaging you, and if you do you take more damage than her, leading to her getting an immediate lead, losing you the entire lane anyway.

It sure doesn't help that the matchmaker gave them 4 long range heroes against our 2 mid range and 3 close quarter heroes.

While I do believe it's a case of matchmaking I'm more leaning towards that this is a major map and tower issue. Basically if one side gets to win early game then they win all together. Any unit that has to play close is chipped away without a way to heal in lane, which means that if they back out they lose farm anyway. A close quarter hero will always lose the early game vs an equal long range, leading to a skewed game and unlikelyhood of a comeback.

This is made even worse that if you win lane you get a free urn pretty much, enhancing the lead for the winning team.

I think there's 2 ways to fix this issue:
- Let melee give more souls than range to reward close play further, forcing long range to go closer and not be untouchable early game. Higher risk, higher reward
- Nerf player damage across the board. Reduce the chance of players scoring 1-2 minute kills
- Have the tower attack up until the bridges if the player is attacked close to the tower or add some form of overhead cover above the towers to reduce snipers oppressive tower dives. Once again giving higher risk, higher reward

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I thought we were doing okay until about 10 minutes in when it seems we lost all our walkers at the same time. The game ended with three of theirs still up. Our pocket seemed like a new player as they were attacking the enemy shrine while our patron was in the last stage and the other team was attacking it. It's almost as if new players are laneing against experienced players and when they inevitably get stomped the whole game is fucked.
21385438 A few players in this game seemed newer to the game, on my team they didn't understand one of my teammate's callouts at all and lost their lanes really badly. Thier team seemed to have people who were newer to the game as well
Match ID 21390321
Solo lanes felt fairly balanced but the blue team duos were horribly outmatched. Blue lane lost guardian around 3:30 in, 3 players on team with no kills or no assists.
21398906 - 3 walkers down at 13 minutes, game over at 19. Abrams and Yamato are new players and fed, I (Mcginnis) fed too but as I am not new I managed to feed less and Talon in my lane seemed highly skilled compared to players of my level.