Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match ID: 20987945

Teams felt horribly matched. My laner and I were the only ones to even get kills or assists that game and they rolled us in 17 mins.


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Match ID: 21010304

My entire team gave up in unison at 13 minutes, citing the matchmaker in VC. All lanes lost without much contest. It's clear the community is becoming weary of the problems the matchmaker is posing.
21009621 - Solo queued with randoms, we absolutely crushed the enemy with next to no communication. They got 1 kill in total in a 23 minute game, just wasn't enjoyable stomping what felt like new players.
Matchid: 20936269
We lost all the lines, some enemies were very different in skill, after 10 minutes it was possible to give up. It's a pity that there is no such function.
Match ID: 21015810 Massive steam roll. By the end of the game I was diving guardians in a desperate attempt to get us a flex slot but it was already too late 22 minute game with a 40k soul difference.
we won by some mirracle but mo and krill was complitely clueless, looks like someone who played the game for the first time.
P.S also tired of massive lose streaks without a preper win streak, its discauraging, losing 10 games in a row just to win next 3. and this happens all the time, first 10 minutes we are winning the lane, but other people hard throwing, not doing objectives and just feeding in general. I have a less of a 50% winrate now with my most played heroes actually around 60% winrate, so system just making my games worse so my most played heroes get to 50% while my overall winrate tanks to the floor? at least on new heroes make it easier to win or smth.