Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match 20958081

Game concluded in 24:24. 2 Guardians down before 8:00. 3 Walkers dead before 13:00.
Pocket & Wraith finish with 13.6k & 12.9k souls, well behind everyone else.
Match ID 20947464 - Most of the lanes failed, dynamo and I got completely destroyed in lane, mcginnis' aim and spray were pro level


Match ID 20926898 - Again all lanes failed, only mo & krill had a good game and only bebop had a bad game on the other team

20755801 - Felt like we had both good and bad players on the team. Very wide skill range. Some players didn't understand how creep mechanics worked, and lots of basic stuff, but we also had some people who understood how to play and abuse the map.

With 1000+ hours I really don't want to be in games with anyone with less than 100 matches. Even if they had high FPS skill, this is a moba, and people aren't playing properly.

19934635 This game in contrast was vs Vegas + Y8mz duo que. There is no shot the stack I was with should be playing against them. The system currently doesn't have a way to balance top elo players stacking and coordinating.
Match ID : 20967314

Like a lot of my previous matches, we were against players (specifically Ivy and Geist) who were a lot stronger than us, and could kill most players of our team instantly within seconds. Not to mention, two people on our team (Viscous and Yamato) were incredibly rude, toxic, and went as far as making lewd, sexual, and inappropriate comments. This match was so bad, I made a forum account just because of it to make this post.
Match ID: 20971069
Matchmaking for both teams felt really unbalanced. Apart from viscous, it felt like my team were practically new to the game (ivy not using abilities, throwing kudzu bomb in wrong directions) and were being dominated by the enemy who seemed far more competent apart from wraith. Completely nullifies any lead I try to earn for the team.
Match ID : 20977900

Two cheaters (Wraith and Vindicta) noclipping/spinbotting under the ground and spawn camping us and ending the game in 9 minutes.


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I've got a bundle:

Pretty much everyone else did worse then me, constantly getting into bad teamfights and wipe-feeding, while they only had two underperformers the rest were able to carry.

In this case we dominated them, side from Infernus and Wraith they were constantly feeding to the point even our weaker players didn't slow us down much, and we made a lot of mistakes that should have been punished harder.
This was just a complete wash. They barely put up a fight, and not even Warden feeding made a difference.
Another strong wash in our favor. Very little coordination and map awareness on the enemy's part.
This one was real bad. Significantly outperforming my whole team, while their team had about 4 of their players around my level. I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did.
Even more extreme, me and Ivy had almost half our team's soul count combined, while their Vinidca just got to run wild.

This is my first MOBA, so I'm probably not in a very high bracket skill-wise all things considered, but so often at least half of either team will be a a degree lower/higher then the rest, making the matches incredibly lopsided.

Also, I'm at a point where I feel like I at least understand the macro fundamentals pretty decently, even if I'm not always able to execute on them well. So it's really frustrating seeing myself improve, while my teammates remain stagnant, if not regressing in their capacity in that regard. And matches can be so swingy all it takes is one major blunder from the rest of your team to seal the deal, and I know I'm not good enough to carry the whole team in that situation, if doing so is even possible.

I'll be sure to add more as they happen.
Match ID: 20987341
Enemy team were all competent and knew how to play, meanwhile my team seemed to not even know what their heroes did. They were already pushing on our shrines by 10 minutes. Feels incredibly unbalanced.
