Bad Matchmaking Thread

Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
MATCH 20867902 - Team of 500+ hours vs beginners
Please don't base MMR solely on wins and losses, as this is very unfair to solo queue players. Alternatively, implement a strict solo queue feature and separate MMR for solo and party queues. Displaying all players' MMR would help determine whether the matchmaking is reasonable. I think most matchups are poor, especially when the 50% win rate mechanism kicks in. The skill levels of my teammates and opponents are simply not on the same level.
My gaming experience has been very poor, and there are very few quality matches. One reason is the lack of a ban/pick phase, which results in most games being one-sided. Another reason is that there are always low-skill players on one side, allowing the other side to quickly gain an advantage and steamroll the game. I believe the solo queue experience in this game is extremely bad, to the point where it's unacceptable.
Match 20877771

Haze, Warden and Wraith seem to be out of place in this match, consistently performing worse than all other players.
Haze lost first Guardian in their lane at 3:24.
Yamato seemed to lose their lane really hard, losing first 2 objectives by 10:30. Tower at 6:22.
Wraith and Warden lost their first Guardian at 6:24.
MATCHID: 20880497

Teammates thirsty for kills, too much feed in early game, less than 1.0k damage objectives except me who has almost 5k objective damage. Can't even turn back the game with me farming causing me to have low stats. I think it's really skill minus issue of my teammates.
match ID - 20881354. Game was a stomp with enemies having no chance, most likely skill imbalance.
match ID - 21505761. Game was a stomp with my team having no chance.
match ID - 21323763. Game was a stomp with just me on my team keeping up with enemies, 5 of my teammates were just obliterated always


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Match 20894011
19min game, enemy didnt unlock a single flex slot
Match 20887282
5 guys(4 on amber, 1 on sapphire) had 20k souls at the end of a 30min game, dies 2 digit times
A bit different response, but I think the matchmaker should put vocal players together with other vocal players. It is depressing playing solo queue and getting 5 people that don't talk or communicate once. Idk if it should be via a box you tick that you use mic or if it can detect mic usage during games. Honestly makes solo queue feel unplayable to me, and I only get good games with duo+ stacks because of this.

Have a feeling it is also the russians that don't talk, where as EU West/Nordic players are very open to talk. Wish I could queue only with other people from West/Nordic Europe rather than people that don't speak English.
Match ID

The first and second game just queued us with an enemy Haze same lobby and then proceed to drain us
Then the third doesn't make sense since I have a low MMR friend to trio queue
Overall these few days of game queue feels really off the chart


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Match ID for the first pic 20899090, this was atrocious
Match ID for the 2nd Pic 20907827
20885030 - Complete stomp on our side
20875493 - Some players struggled on our side, I had bad matchup
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20904664 - enemy can't play at all, they don't parry and don't aware of it, fail to last hit - deny, no lane pressure, like completely new players
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
match 20913226 my team didnt know what they were doing