Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match ID: 20825675

Won by a landslide, the Wraith I was facing on laning phase was pretty weak and seemed like they didn't knew how my hero worked.

The teams were completely imbalanced, the geist in the game literally felt like they were a tournament pro with how they played and their shots landed.
20821720 - The Warden and Haze in the match were well below the average skill level of the rest of the players, constantly holding W into fights while outnumbered and underfed.

20827512 - Had a Seven who went 0-7 at 8 minutes in duo lane, and then had little impact on the rest of the game. He should not have been put up against opponents who were that much better than him.

I've played like 400 hrs at this point and i don't think i should've been matched with the stack or extra player on my team even with my duo.

Really feels like the quality of games these past few days have gone down, not bad players on teams exactly a lot of the time but just... aggressive and poor behaviour?

The mcginnis had 2 kill involvements for most of the game, the infernus was ulting into 4 people at walker.. idk man We couldnt even win when they had 2 dc's
Match ID: 20836265
Our lane was actually really even, but then we had an 0/8 , 0/11 and two 2/6 players who got utterly stomped in lane and the game was over by 6 mins
It's honestly a little ridiculous. More often than not, we always have people on our team who seem like they just installed the game. Meanwhile, just about everyone on the opposite team has positive scores

I just really don't understand how it happens so frequently
20840178 another match where it felt like everyone was just a lost child in a mall, just clearly haven't played many games at all. Really frustrating that this feels like half my matches after midnight EST now, makes it super demotivating to play.
matchmaking was doing fine (or at least way better) a week ago and now the game is borderline unplayable/unfun and it's actually impossible to climb even with a 60% wr


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