Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match ID 20838106
McGinnis got stomped in lane and said the game was trash at the end, she was clearly in one of her first matches and frustrated about the game. While the other team was 100% proficient at the game, they knew how to lane, build, macro, how and when to fight.
Seven was very toxic and Haze was also abusing the pause feature to trash talk, both have been reported in game.


Extremely lopsided. We were up ~30k with a 14-1 player by the end of laning. Tracklock had everyone on one team at 700 Neko, and everyone on the other at 900-1300.

Several people on my team said they were playing a new hero.

I heard the soul orb denied sound effect a lot, so presumably my lane mate (if not my whole team) doesn't even know to compete for them. In the end, the team souls difference was 90k vs 175k.Untitled.jpg
Match ID 20849261

I believe the Abrams on my team was a much newer player -- look at their stats + amount of items bought compared to the rest of the players in this match.
now, listen, i realise i got a heap of objective damage, but don't get it twisted: this was a truly awful, awfully unfun match.
Pocket abandoned maybe halfway through, Viscious didn't have so much as an assist until the 30 minute mark, and Haze was... well.
Am I tilted? yes
was this a fair match? no, my team mates had suffered frontal lobotomies before queueing up.


Match: 20863432
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
20864775 all team leave from the match1728295969369.png20866256 all team leave from the match1728295985281.png
2 games in a row

Enemy team just absolutely mogged us the ENTIRE game, my team couldn't even get out of laning phase until like 20 minutes in, no one on my team could even get a kill until like 20 minutes in.

Entirely convinced my team was running on a collective 6 braincells and I had 5 of them, my team was not playing together at ALL and constantly running AWAY from help

Severely imbalanced matchmaking. At one point the enemy team lead was over 70k souls.

Each teammate of mine needs to be placed with 5 other teammates who are top 0.01% MMR, and even then they would still probably make the game challenging for those top MMR players.

We had two people on our team (not me) with more than 15 kills each and the opponents didn't even have anyone with 10 kills. The kills difference between both teams was massive