Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match 20796661

Game was incredibly unbalanced. My team had two really good players, and some average players. The other team had some good players, but they also had players that seemed like they have never played before (no map sense or general game knowledge). The whole team quit like 15 minutes in when we were punching their shrines. I have had a lot of games like this in general recently, but I haven't really been able to go back through my match history to pick them out. I'm sure this has been said a ton, but when I experience games like this, it seems like there is usually 1-2 players of decent skill on each team, and it is basically decided by whose "average" or "bad" players throw the least.
Match 20797744 - super stomp, every lane lost hard, game over at 21 minutes. Four people just chilled in the enemy fountain farming us at the very end, that's how far ahead one team was.
ID 20798380 - No idea how the matchmaker found this one, wasnt even queueing for long but it's very clear that these guys were not remotely on the same skill level as me and my duo.
Matchid: 20799696
Lost hard every lane. Enemy denied almost all farm. Clearly better than our team skill-wise. They could also block every melee attempt as well
Match 20806666 - Time 14:44 - Victory Team 34k Lead - Vindicta and Pocket left match due to their lane enemies being higher skill and killed them each about 6 times. The left at about 10 min mark. At about 6:30 in the match Pocket dives into the tower to punch it and loses almost all his health until Grey Talon picks him off. My feeling is these two players are new and don't have map awareness, understanding of their characters, and understand of others characters.
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20804957: enemy team very coordinated, said they were 6 stack, I was just duo with 1 friend.
I feel like 6 stacks should only be matched against 6 stacks without exceptions.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
1728271037491.pngI have to sell my soul to win a game. I have to sweat my dick off to win a game. I have to become the best player in the world to win a game.losing games with 18/3/32 or 19/8/34 is just awful. Noticng a trend of me anda few teammates doing very well. then the other half are just not on the same level of playing. Then the other team is an average of the two. 100 2nd graders vs 3mma fighters every game.
20807651.jpgMy self (Ivy) and Viscous switched at the beginning because soloing with Ivy is atrocious; I don't think that mattered because both of us died a lot. Warden was new and kept dying, which meant I kept getting ganked and we both fed Bepop and Pocket. They eventually got our walker early on and proceeded to gank all the other lanes. Notice that neither Pocket nor Bepop died once.