Bad Matchmaking Thread

20758573: nice match overall, 2 players with low kills but the issue start when we could have win at some point, but all my team start to doing the mid boss for second time, this leads to my team losing because we didnt win any lane. i said to them to just attack bou nobody listens.

It was just a full on stomp from start to finish. This is the latest and worst game in a day of games that all felt very hard, after yesterday having a lot of easy games. I think what happened is that I started playing Warden for the first time, won 6 of my first 7 games, and the system must've boosted my Warden MMR really high while it was still elastic. The last 2 of the 6 wins were admittedly pretty hard, but the first few games on Warden were an absolute cakewalk. Now, it seems like my Warden MMR is no longer elastic and I'm stuck at a rating that is way higher than my actual capability with the hero.

I have over 200 hours on my account, this rubberbanding effect with MMR seems like it's just the result of my never-before-played heroes being matched against players who are way worse than me to start. I think the system needs to be very careful about how it matches existing players when they are trying out new heroes and shouldn't just start them at the same middle guess that it would a brand new player, which is what it seems to do.

Screenshot 2024-10-06 185133.png
№20778299 my full team weaker 10x than enemy team, they play like bots buy items that not work on their hero idk why again 50% system gave me them1728259386605.png
MatchID: 20786227
Match time: 17:28.
You can just take a look at the result screen to see how uneven it was. or if nothing else
Kill count: 7/44

I did well (14-3) this match but everyone else on my team just ran in and died nonstop. We had an 0-8, 4-12, and 1-14. I personally felt more skilled than the enemy team, reflected in the stats so Im wondering if I brought up my teams average MMR, or that my MMR range is still so low Im with completely new people and the enemy happened to be better lol.
I played 9 matches yesterday, and all but one of them felt bad, to the point where I sincerely believe the rumors that the matchmaker isn't taking MMR into account. These were particularly terrible. I won't play again much except to see if the matchmaking improves.

matchid: 20788720
matchid: 20770237
matchid: 20535532
matchid: 20219416

unsure as to why, but nearly every game recently, i have been steamrolled, with my teammates going usually, 0/1 kill, to 10+ deaths. Seems like they are all new players, which is so frustrating, because I have 100+ hours, getting grouped with people who do not know what they are doing at all.