Bad Matchmaking Thread

MatchID: 20746412

This match stood out to me because the skill levels of every player seemed wildly different, with the Seven even claiming they were brand new to the game, and I just reached 200 hours
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
The enemy team felt like they were suppose to play against me. Felt near my level. My Team wasn't anywhere close.

Match ID: 20753706
19310166 - my team quiet balanced with 100k+ souls advantages thanks to that Bebop 0/17/0
19724839 - enemies with 0/13/0 and 0/8/0
20749059 - 2 burdens that can't press other buttons while war other than left click1422450_180.jpg
20766296 - Our team was completely outmatched in skill level. Enemies were all much better players than all of us.

20748601 - Same thing. Completely outmatched.

20721176 - My teammates were much worse than enemy teammates but overall game seemed to be way under my skill level and was too easy for me to win. None of the players in the match from either side were as good as me.

Thank you for such a cool game! However, it really feels like the matchmaking system needs serious improvement.

It’s very noticeable that the win rate always gravitates towards 50%, and if this was your main goal, you're doing great. But often, this makes the gaming experience somewhat unpleasant. :)

Here’s what I’ve been specifically experiencing, at least for the third time in a row after 200+ hours of gameplay:

When my win rate goes above 50%, I start getting teammates whose skill level is significantly lower than the others, including everyone on the opposing team, where all the players perform decently. I’m not just looking at kills but also at lane control, itemization, farming, and so on.

As a result, we lose several games, even though I often show the best results. Then I get thrown into very weak lobbies, where I almost single-handedly win the game with a score of something like 20-2.

Here are some specific examples:

  • 20457158 - I win my lane, help with the adjacent lanes, participate in team fights, but we still lose.
  • 20714476 - Similar situation, and again I have top damage.
  • 20725772 - Same story again, I have the most kills, but we lose
  • 20742394 - Now I’m in a weak lobby, and I’m sure none of the players there enjoyed the game; I felt bad for those guys
  • 20752845 - Newbies again, and it’s really demotivating to face this at the start of their journey

I don’t know how much I can trust the trackers, but ratings seem pretty accurate. If they’re to be believed, this happens every time my rating hits 300.

I know for sure that many players at 500+ or even 800+ aren’t significantly better than me. As a result, I’m in a situation where I can’t find a team to win with. Everyone in Discord asks about my rating, and when they hear it, they say goodbye. And no matter how useful I am in solo games, I can’t climb up, and I just keep dropping.

In the end, none of the games were enjoyable. Some were ruined by lower-level teammates, and others felt like beating up kittens.
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