Bad Matchmaking Thread


Seemed like a ~10 match team vs a ~50 match team. Player skill was very imbalanced. >60k Soul difference in a 19 minute game.
20992181 - completely unbalanced team, 3 ppl in saphire team were on one head lower than other players in lobby, unplayble match from the start
20992181 Just played this game...


Clearly some player did not belong in this kind of lobby... Our team did not have a good time at all...
Match 20995975, 3 of the players on my team probably should be in a different lobby. Was a very fast game as they were down 6-10k souls on what they should be
matchid: 20986468
I have 190 hours and playing lobby with 32 hours player on McGinnis and 6 hours player on BipBop, all other player in lobby had more than 75 hours in game

One lane totally dominates its counterpart, proceeds to run around the map killing everyone resulting in total steamroll.


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Match ID: 20997658
My guardian was down 3 mins into the game, my walker 10. I was against pocket who even 2 minutes into the game killed me twice. Unless the entire team was on him, he otherwise took little damage. We held our own for a hot 5 minutes, but otherwise we were down 30k and lost our guardians, shrines, and patron within 5 minutes. I know I am not the best at this game, but considering tier 3 burning didnt cause any damage to anyone, it was a tiresome fight. I am getting very frustrated at the matchmaking at being set against what feels like to me the best player in the game.

Matchmaking is just incredible bad. This type of matches are so common. Teammates hard lose their lanes super early on (under 4 minutes), they cant even hold to a bit of pressure. No idea how to play the game at all. 3 people cant even secure a single kill. Cant hit their abilities, just randomly back off for no reason. I don't understand how this is supposed to be top 3%. Zero comms. Incredibility frustrating and time wasting experience for someone with hundreds of matches. I cant play certain heroes at all, because literally every matches I get them, my teammates are nothing more than larger creeps. Again how is this top 3%? Enemy takes down midboss and team goes out of the base to die, one buy one before enemy even approaches base? If you ask me that is griefing. People should better, but its like its their first game in their life.

Matchmaking should start taking stats into account and accelerate good players up, and bad players down. Also, create some reasonable team compositions. There are no roles, the power curves are so bad, it impossible to finish a game unless its very coordinated team early on, which means late game heroes are favorite. Heroes that are thanky and with good late game kits and scaling.
Match ID: 21004645

Specifically McGinnis. Not trying to trash on them, but it was very clear from the get-go they weren't comfortable on the hero, or didn't understand when to stop dying. Blamed team for not ganking. It led to a impossible and frustrating game from my team's perspective.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
Match ID: 21005958

We had their shrines down within 18 minutes. Enemy team had 4 players with 0 kills and someone else with 1. My team had a total of 5 deaths, with two players having 10+ kills
Match ID: 21005999
Down by 40k, 3 of our teammates rage quit. Im getting a little frustrated on being put on constantly losing teams.
Match ID: 20987945

Teams felt horribly matched. My laner and I were the only ones to even get kills or assists that game and they rolled us in 17 mins.


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