Bad Matchmaking Thread

Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
Match 20225148, All lanes were lost by 20. Only a couple good picks on our end made it last past that time.
20227131 - skill wise was just favored heavily on one side. I dont think it was team composition. Whole team lost in laning phase pretty much.

Match 20226281

Usually don't get rolled this badly but both lash and yamato fed their lane which lead to snowballing
(Comms weren't exactly the nicest either)
29227901: I was pretty rusty this game but it felt one sided the whole game, team was doing just as bad and I ended up doing the most damage somehow. Not sure if it was bad matchmaking or unlucky but here you go!

All 20-30 minute games, wins and losses, all low quality, one sided stomps.
frequently 1 person in the match would be head and shoulders above everyone else.
Match loss due to someones literal FIRST MATCH being played in the game I was in. In case you're curious as to how i know this, his other member said it as so mid match over vc.

5v6, half the farm of the team, very poor itemization, almost no damage as the best area damage carries in the game. Force people to spend some time solo playing games before partying up. Hell people in fucking bloons 6 need to play the game some before they can do multiplayer, so they actually know how to play.

For the love of the patron, separate solo/grouped games entirely, unless toggled, and ban 5 player party matches. Longer queues to get better matches should be an option, if not the standard. Match ID 20229125
about 90% of my matches have been pretty fair to be quite honest. I think the mmr is working pretty good right now. Just want to be a voice for the positive.

I am at 237 hours.
Match ID:
  1. 19495032 - I'm solo queueing while the other team is a pure 6 stack, I've checked their profiles and they have been having games together for the past 2-3 games as a 6 stack. My team however is made up of solo queues with only a duo. You can see the matchup that the other team has insane communication and response to each other compared to mine.
  2. 18180780 - Stomped hard by the opposing team, seems like a clear skill gap
  3. 18168519 - Stomped hard by the opposing team, huge skill gap between my team and the opposing team
  4. 17892810 - Huge skill gap between teams again
  5. 16797481 - Skill gap
  6. 14690138 - Skill gap
  7. 20074656 - My team is stomping the other team without effort. Skill gap matchmaking
  8. 20122464 - My team is stomping the other team without effort. Skill gap matchmaking
Team unaware of objectives, full weapon builds yet a whopping 64 objective damage on one of them. Others 1v4ing, against a team who clearly knows the value of power farming and teaming
Lack of counter play items or just hero knowledge to know how to deal with me which I think is due to lack of experience. Crushed them pretty easily.
ID 20241762
ID 20231465

Both extremely one-sided stomps where one team just didn't seem to know what they were doing at all and got maybe 1/3 as many kills or fewer as the other team. Several people ending the game with 0 kills. Some of the least balanced matches I've played.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
matchid 20232988, its less on the system and more of where they placed the hero's, playing ivy who wants to play around an ally to share heals and buffs solo into a character whos specialty is to do large amounts of damage to squishier targets really isnt great