Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match 20207842

Every single lane lost and got rolled with a constant 30k lead. Very cool.

I'm either duoing with RavenMagus or soloing if that helps point something out.
MatchID: 20207831 - Teammates were absolutely clueless, fed enemy team into oblivion, didn't push objectives and failed to punish kills appropriately

i had many bad match, these are just some of it.
i did a good job at my lane, pushing the guardian and walker, also helping other lane if needed.
but my teammate (mostly 3-4 of them) kept fighting and no pushing the whole game (forgetting their objectives).
one of the match took almost an hour while the match can be done in 30-35 minutes.

while other matches are just people trying heroes (mostly carry who supposed to get lot of kills and win us the game), they're clueless.
MATCH ID 20213198

They stomped us, it was a 5k lead in 4 minutes. The entire game felt like they were all partied together making coordinated attacks, and our team was playing as if it was each our first game. It was sad. Not a fun experience. It felt like they were WAY higher mmr or all partied together. Please do something to make this better!
Felt a lot like my team were all competent and the other was just completely fresh installs.


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4 people on my team have a rating almost 2 times lower than me and the enemy team according to the level of my game and 2 have a 1000 neko score


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bros what is this scoreline LOL my team got compeltely anihilated throughout all parts of the game, making the worst calls possible and just overall inferior to the enemy team. i was the only one to win lane and actually hit objectives cus like how do you die so much and never hit an objective?

MATCH ID: 20216533


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