Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match ID: 20178688

I notice that the game likes to push parties of two into the 2 man lanes. Here there was a discrepancy because while solo queue is a luck of the draw when it comes to who they are paired with in a 2 lane. these parties of 2 can coordinate hero combinations and completely dominate a lane compared to the other side where its 2 solo players in a 2 man lane.
Match ID: 19380096

I was the Bebop, outlier player is the Grey Talon. At the time of his first death 18 min in or so, he was 20-0 and literally more than double the average networth in the game with 29K at the time. Lowest player @18 min was the Seven at 11K, next highest is 15K, avg is about 13.5K networth. He finished the match with 44-6-12. Most people are like 10-6-8. He finishes the 43 minute long game with about 30K souls more than anyone else, and 95k hero damage(~50K more than the next highest, which was my Bebop at 46k). One kill a minute and 2K souls a minute.

By the time I had killed Seven in our 1v1 lane and was about to take tower, the Grey Talon seemingly told him to switch lanes instead of going back. He ganks me, kills when I return to lane instantly, then proceeds to spend the rest of the game rotating to successful kill after successful kill with almost no wasted time. I think I saw him go back to base once before the first death, where we were able to open the map up somewhat.

I've played ~300 matches and for nearly half of these I've played Bebop. This should be my best character and I've never seen a disparity this wide with a single player in all the matches I've played. It was getting late, I should have went to bed maybe, but wtf.
19970287: 22 Minute game, absolute snowball.
17602857: 19 minute game, absolute snowball
17354034: 21 Minute game, absolute snowball

Honestly though it feels like the roughest time is when you've got a 4-5 stack against you. Genuinely I think that 4-6 stacks should be rolled in together for matchmaking purposes. You really can't do anything when you're solo or duo vs 4+ coordinated people.
Match 20178030

We ended up winning but lanes were incredibly lopsided and it felt like the enemy gave up. Our kelvin had 8k hero damaged in 44 minutes and died 18 times. Multiple players seemed completely lost while the enemy Shiv was able to do slide parry techs.
20148207 won in 19 min
18368211 won in 20 min enemy had no clue what was going on
18270681 lost in 19:58 team was no where near my skill or enemy skill as 4 of my team did less than 10k player dmg with 3 doing 0 obj dmg
19558760 enemy was far below my teams average skill
19582244 same as ^
Match 18442071 70k deficit with no one on my team with more than 12k and more than 1 kill.
Match 18423481 Another 70k deficit where 66% of our team didn't get a kill and only 1 person over 10k player damage
Match 18417461 Completely oppressive team never can get a foothold anywhere

Every lane was lost and every ally guardian was down in the first few minutes. We didn't get a single enemy guardian, and entire game was a complete stomp. We were locked in base 15 minutes into the game.