Bad Matchmaking Thread

1. 20151166 I kept shreding the enemy team while my teamates couldnt even 1v1. (not even using the ult build)

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2. 20142635 In this one we won but again team was werever i pretty much 1v X my kills

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It feels like a punishment, the game put the worst of the worst on my team.
and I'm 14/7, why are we on the same team? We're definitely not on the same level.
Match ID 20158485

I was the only one to win my lane, which ordinarily would be fine, that happens sometimes, however the lanes themselves seemed very mismatched. I laned against the Kelvin who had something of an underwhelming match overall, and the viscous was completely stomped being something along the lines of 0/6/0 at the ten minute mark with only 3.5k or 4k souls wandering around the map.

1. Match ID 20107057: I played this game today, 3 of my team mates were around my level but the other 3 were clearly new players or not on our level. Our Mirage did 6k damage which was 11x less than me which is crazy. I stomped my lane too Vs. the Dynamo, it felt like I was playing vs. someone levels below.

2. Match ID 20090387: I had 3 team mates with more than 20 deaths in a 46 minute game, it was surreal.

3. Match ID 19327213: Kevin went 0-17 and he told me it was his first game, even though I have 100+ hours.


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Match 17567487: Bebop kept disconnecting due to technical issues, and eventually Mirage ended up disconnecting halfway through, all while Wraith sat in spawn AFK for half the match. Total match length: 12:36
Match: 18478634 September 29. Absolute stomp, nearly double souls on my team, and 42 vs 7 kills in a 20 minute game.

Match: 19179074 October 1. 40k Souls lead and 43 vs 19 kills in a 29 minute game. Viscous and Grey left - they probably should never have been in the game. I basically had to stall this out by myself for about 10 minutes.

Match 19450592 October 2. 50k souls lead and 43 vs 7 kills in a 21 minute match. This was an absolute stomp.

Match: 19456873 October 2. 40k souls lead and 49 vs 13 kills in a 21 minute match. It felt like nobody but me, Yamato and Viscous had every played before. The Vindicta looks good, but that was basically hold left click into the rest of my team who mostly looked like they were trying to find the WASD keys.
20168590 - typical one-sided game, where one team knows how to play together and what are objectives, and the other team just runs around the map without understanding what's going on
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
20169270, seven was literally new to the game and got demolished by his lane partner
20173401: Clueless mates about how this game works. This cant be "Platinum" Matchup


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match ID: 17227629
this was most likely smurf but the match was mostly even aside from one single player way way above everyone else1728086850950.png
all solo queue
18326158 - 18 minute game extremely one sided won this one
18317834 - 27 minutes lost this one
18292592 - 21 minutes, extremely one sided again, in particular the enemy seven seemed brand new

This match felt pretty good except for the Vindicta, who looked completely new to video games, and the Yamato, who basically solocarried the lobby. Comparing Vindicta's 2690 player damage to Yamato's 45895 it's clear there's some kind of matchmaking discrepancy. The strange thing about this game is that they were both on the same team, so Vindicta's MMR goes higher after having <2DPS in a 34 minute game.
Match 19967686 - Thought things were going fine until at the ten minute mark I realized that our bebop had 7-8 deaths already. At which point it became close to impossible to do much to remedy the situation. Honestly the game probably would have been fine had the Bebop been someone who knew how to play.

Match 18294854 - Had several characters on our team that appeared fairly new to the game which allowed the enemy team to snowball over time and win. 35 minute game but mostly a problem of our team being just overall out of their skill level resulting in one character going 1-15 and another going 1-9.