Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match ID: 20137281 - Seven absolutely dominated his lane. Difference of 40k souls at 20min, 80k souls at 27, constant solo ulting into their team from mine
16940649, 16928522

I can tell it was fucked up because I recognized no one and everyone was terrible. I personally think the matchmaking gets completely broken when you soloqueue and puts you in the worst quality games imaginable. We need to restrict people from playing in premades at higher mmr as its EXTREMELY clear they are bricking it and causing these fucked lobbies. Maybe the ones in this post werent specifically fucked by premades but its definitely a trend i've noticed where when people are queued together the matchmaking gets fucked for the solo queue players. Also this has been happening for months its not a recent thing for matchmaking.
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18406344 - 30k to 103k souls, I had the single kill on my team as opposed to the enemy team's 42 - it was an absolute blowout
Match 20123485

I just introduced four of my friends to the game. We played three private bot matches (easy, medium, hard), they learned some of the basics.

I intentionally didn't queue with them for their very first real player match, so they'd get a chance in the new player queue and I wouldn't drag them to my MMR level. I opted to spectate the match instead.

The match was an absolute stomp. Over in 14:54, with a 56k soul difference (93k vs. 37k). The opponents were sliding around, denying, diving towers and using actives. 37 vs. 4 kills. The opponents weren't super experienced (stopped to pick skills, shot patron for a bit before taking both shrines), but there was still a pretty massive difference.

I don't know if it's a smurfing problem, broken matchmaking or just unlucky matchup against players who are more comfortable with shooters and spent a bunch of time in bot matches, but either way it was a pretty miserable first experience for the new players.
Match ID: 20142163
Match was horrible lack of team work one guy was calling us noobs but he didnt play well too
Match id: 19257175
each team's skill spread is too strong, it feels like those who have just entered the game and those who have already played for more than 100 hours are in the game
19811073 - Amber hand lost most lanes. Game was over in 22:56 @ 93k-147k.
Details: Felt like my lane was almost able to keep up with some enemies in 1v1/2v2 engagements however everyone else struggled. This match may fall inside of the 24 hour period, I cannot tell exact times.

Below matches I do not remember specifics.
18953054 - Amber hand lost every lane. Game over in 17:25 @ 67k-111k
18654693 - Amber hand lost almost every lane. Game over in 20:15 @ 78k-129k
18548597 - Amber hand lost every lane. Game over in 20:49 @ 75k-121k
18290521 - Saphire flame lost every lane. Game was over in 20:09 @ 77k-141k
17347306 - Saphire flame lost most lanes. Game was over in 23:49 @ 106k-162k
Match ID:
18247730: (Duo game) 19 minute game we stomped an enemy team that felt like was full of first timers. sept28th
18255719: (Duo game) Game after the first match Id I mentioned, we do kinda well in our lane but enemy team just stomps our lanes then its pretty much over worth a checkout at least imo, contrast is big from the first match id. sept28th
18084205: (solo queue) Skill difference felt way off between players in this match sept28th
18092224: (solo queue) ~ 60 k soul difference stomp for us, skill difference was big sept28th
17808758: (Duo game) Stomp for us the skill gap between the enemy and us was way too big sept 27th
17551037: (solo queue) another stompy game enemy has bigger skill gap sept27th

Overall these are the games that caused me the biggest headache. My experiences in these game were mostly I get into a team that does the stomping or enemy has players with higher skill compared to my teammates or me and they do the stomping. Also most of the time early game pushing just killed the flow of these game making it impossible to comeback either for the enemy team or when I was in a team.
20017905 - green lane just completely destroyed(score 1:10). Impossible to win from the beginning. My another team8 just said "Ok, i'm fully muted. Good luck guys:)"
19141007 - I'm playing alone all the game. Guys just seem ruining.
18229000 - almost every lane is lost, no chance to win.
17903666 - Team is feeding so bad.
I have a feeling that the system is very similiar to one in Dota cuz its just seems impossible to make wr greater than 50%. A lot of games that are boring because you have no chance.
Some of these games felt very unfair, either win or lose. I try to include only solo queue.


Fresher ones:

Overall a good indicator is game length (sub 30 is usually a one sided stomp) and sub 20 is either dc or something's really OFF.
18744803: Complete stomp in every lane, killed a Seven 5 times and he left, laning was far too one sided.

14168858: Again, a stomp. Completely pulled ahead and the distance only grew as time went on.

19567935: Would have been a relatively close game but they had a Viscous that went 0/13/2, clearly didn't help at all. I feel this is not as uncommon as it should be; having one person do so poorly it skews the balance of the whole game.

A one sided blowout where the skill difference between the two teams felt significant in all of the above matches.
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Match ID 20152153 this just felt so unfair, so quick and just one steam roll. Every game I've had tonight has had some outmatching but nothing too extreme but this was the first time it was clearly visible that it was bad match making
