Bad Matchmaking Thread

20126496 - Every lane was stomped and each player had 10k over their opponent laner. The winning team had a 60k lead at the end of the game in just 20 minutes.
Me and my friends got the hardest matches in our life if we queue with more then 4 people. Happened yesterday so no matchid :(
MatchID: 19974506
Got placed in a match against chazm, a player in the absolute highest MMR bracket (0.01% of players, at least according to Tracklock) While other than him only me and two other players were in the top 5%, while everyone else was at some of the lowest MMR out there
match 20127811 had a shiv and mirage that had no idea what to do mid game. would walk past lane minions hitting walker to farm jungles.
19978668 - match over in 20 minutes with a 40k soul lead, several people on the enemy team clearly were on their first or second game while I have 100+ hours and a 56% wr 😭


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17212796 bipolar team kd's. feels like they shouldnt have been in this match
17974667 3 more bipolar kd's.
17802359 more bipolar team kd's. 3 people with middling kds and 3 with abysmal kd's. feels like they shouldnt be in there

My allies were abysmal and non functional, and the entire enemy team was stomping. Genuinely might as well have been a 1.5 vs 8.5

Match ID:


Solo queue


This game felt terrible, I could immediately tell the skill level was mixed when the Yamato inted into me 3 times under tower. I felt like their was a pretty big skill disparity between me and the players on my team except maybe Dynamo. He seemed about right.
This game felt super crappy and frustrating to play.


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