Bad Matchmaking Thread

Very one sided, enemy could hardly touch objectives, 80k soul lead. Overall it was just a very lopsided match.

MatchID: 20191487
20192082 Another really one-sided game, we completely stomped them and had all walkers by 14 minutes.


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I've not had a single competitive or fun game today. Every single game is a complete stomp.
I've had a couple of weird games today but this one was really bad. My friends and I felt really outmatched and we had 2 teammates who seemed better than us. I also recognize one of my teammates as a really good player who plays in the community tournaments, and I know me and my friends are definitely not at their level. Match id is:



the match was short and most of the opponent team to me didn't break 10k souls when everyone on my team was 10k plus, worst was a dynamo who didn't get past 4.5k souls
A couple of matches where i felt matchmaking did a bad job:

MatchID1: 16202269 - Opposing team had a clear advantage over our team (Good amount of kills, player damage and objective damage on the other team, ours was clearly lacking)
MatchID2: 17291913 - Our team had a clear advantage over the other team (a lot of deaths on the other side and low damage all around versus our balanced numbers)
MatchID3: 16217756 - Our team had a clear advantage over the other team (the other team had low damage and a lot of deaths)
I think my friends will probably stop playing this game if things aren't improved.

Some have incredibly low win rates and are new players. If you can throw enemy teams against us constant free wins, why isn't there at least equal stomps for us? I have no idea what the matchmaking could be based on currently, if there were no match making at all it couldn't be any worse than this.
Match 20193175

Match 20193175.png
his was my worst match I have played so far. My team played really defensive the whole time but we were clearly really outmatched.
Match ID: 20199705 (Queued up in the EU region)

I understand we cant show matchids for the past 24hours however whether it was the bug or something else, our matchmaking was had been fixed. I was able to queue up in the South African region however i can't do that anymore. Even if the wait time was a little longer at times it was reasonable.

Please kindly fix our region matchmaking for South Africa, the experience even if it was just for a day was really amazing and also let it indicate that the selected region is South Africa and not Europe.
[20202626] Pocket owned cause enemies just ran down lane not trolling. Clearly didn't know how to play the game against our entire stack that knew what we were doing resulting in them all leaving
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
Match ID:

Ok so I had plenty of matches where the enemy felt like they're soooo much better than me (but usually I dont mind it because I like a little challenge and the match usually ends quicker), but this one is the first time where I blatantly felt like my team's and the enemy's skill was abit skewed. This was also the first and only match of the day so I was pretty much just letting habit and instinct take the wheel, another way to say that I wasn't really putting in much thought into playing.

Early on, laning against Infernus and Bebop felt wrong right out the gate. They both never deny orb or shoot their creep until they were right at their tower, and just focus on shooting at me and Grey Talon. I cant recall a single time where Infernus would clear the lane with his flame dash ability. Infernus also sometimes just stood still near the shop and let us hit him for free while he is at 1 hp. We were the first to secure our lane out of everyone and I struggled most when their Dynamo and Geist (these two were one of the competent in their team and I think that reflects against Haze and Pocket who were carrying my team) are around. I dont know if the MM actually thinks I'm on the same skill level as their Bebop/Infernus but I won't deny that I've been doing really badly lately so that might be the case.

Other weird moment was when we killed midboss and my team dipped away from the rejuv as soon as possible, letting their Dynamo steal it for free but I think that's just them not caring anymore because we are way ahead at this point already. Well, it made the match alot longer thanks to that, I was hoping we could've end it at 20 minute but it turned into a 35 minute game.


Match ID:

This was quite some time ago, what I remember the most was my team would always initiate team fight first and ignore objective all the time and made the enemy so much stronger and a pain to deal with. They even blamed me and said that I "farm too much" lol. Anyways yea, I dont know if its just bad team coordination or MM problem but I'll leave it here.
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Look at this match by tracklock, my team members have half my score, they need to fix this matchmaking, this is ruining the game, there's no point in me winning my lane if my team loses the others.
Match 20202784

Two refused to leave they're lanes and were useless, Mo&Krill fed our lane and didn't seem to know what's up. I tried my best to help the team overall but left me dying way too much (skill issue ik)