Bad Matchmaking Thread

I have three suspect games 21847610, 21904565, 21923218, all three had one team pull ahead really fast and the other team never recovers, some do better than others but always lag behind.
enemy team was inferior to my skill and my duo, often going way too ahead on the line and dying quickly

PS: There was a cheater on this match so we had that advantage on our side (Vindicta, not related to me)
but aside from that, the enemy team was bad. I couldn't see much about the rest of our teammates but for example, the haze that went with my lane also made some noob mistakes
Match: 21937112
Absolutely miserable game from the start.
Paradox was on another level entirely.
Mirage/Infernus/McGinnis were well below the average of the match as well.
Having a player leagues above everyone on the opposite team, with 3 low players on our team (of which I was one), just swayed it like crazy.

Definition why we need a bloody surrender option.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
21939941, the match was incredibly one-sided and it seemed like we got matched with a bunch of new players, when my party of four has hundreds of hours in the game
Match IDs: 21939711, 21891372, 21862379, 21846591, 21835964.

Each and every match was either stomp or be stomped. Only 2 other matches played today that went longer than those and it felt like brand new people were in each game. The matchmaking after the 10/10/24 patch feel noticeably worse. No match feels remotely even in terms of player skill level.