Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match ID: 21986295 - completely stomped the other team, to the extent that it was a complete joke of a match.
Match ID: 21988797 - played against someone who may as well been a pro player smurfing. Meanwhile his teammates felt like they were brand new. Despite me playing extremely well, and 4 of the 5 other people on my team also doing well, we didn't stand even one single shred of a chance against their Lady Geist named "Bash." It was actually incredible just how fast they farmed on a character who isn't exactly known for the best farming character in the game. On top of that, the way they utilized all their active items and abilities was just on another level. Meanwhile, again, the rest of his team were practically brand new to the game. Most didn't even seem to know all their abilities. I don't understand how we were put against someone that good, because if they were that good it means they've played a lot of matches, so their MMR SHOULD be way too high to get put in this lobby.
Match 22002547

4 abysmal Amber players earning half the souls per minute of their opponents for the entire game. My lane partner and I went 7-1 in our lane in 9:00 - it didn't feel very balanced. 3k team soul difference at 9:55, 13k difference at 15:19, 27k difference at 20:44.
Both just large gaps in all-round ability it felt like:

Match ID: 21794410 - only 3 kills by the other team, from a Vindicta and Talon paired together in the first 5 minutes
Match ID: 22005811
Match ID: 21514398 - Occurred the night before patch duo queueing with an inexperienced friend, rest of my team also seemed to be new players
while majority of the enemy team was much better at the game.
Match ID: 22001800 - Enemy knew they had to take objectives, while the rest of mine didn't. Only me and enemy team knew about urn. Feel like the game should've ended 7-10 minutes earlier.
Recently i have started getting MM on Russian servers and i'm close to stopping the game until it's fixed.
I live in Denmark and should under no circumstances be on Russian servers. It is laggy and impossible to communicate and ruins the experience for everyone on the server.

Steam ID: 76561197967085191

Examples of matches:
22012428 - REALLY awful matchmaking. Not only was there clearly 3 players on my team that were clearly newer and worse than 3 of my other teammates but nobody was willing to do any amount of communicating or teammwork.