Bad Matchmaking Thread

The game didn;t start with bigger difference, but soon, the enemy control the whole match, and we have NO chance to get back, even left 1 first tower to push when we failed the match. And they seems coop well, maybe pre-make squad
this was a ROUGH one, i was double souls (im fox) of the next highest person on my team at minute 10, and was still getting handled by the enemy lash, which is fine...but EVERY other lane on my team got completely destroyed. like 0 obj dmg from 4 teammates is absurd lol.

completely one-sided destruction o_O
Match 21965416 Infernus and Wraith stomped us from beginning to finish. Enemy team snowballed so hard that we couldn't do much more than shove lane around the base


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There are only two possibilities here: This Mirage my friend laned against is the alt account of some pro player slumming it (should be bannable offense, tbh) or this guy was cheating. His denies and minion coverage were insane.

For myself, dealing with the Warden, I have never been on the receiving end of such a fucking brutal lane. This guy had shots out for confirming souls before I even knew they'd popped. It was the most utterly one-sided I've ever had a fight go against me, and this was after I managed to get a pretty substantial leg up in an early exchange. It just did not matter what I did, I couldn't even be near the damn wave. Also I was playing as one of my low-number heroes, so hero matchmaking further fucked me by putting me against someone for whom that is most definitely NOT the case.

No one was contributing to anything besides farming jungle or pushing solo to a fight without communicating with us. My lane felt accurate in terms of skill but can't say the same of the rest of my teammates. Still was a stomp.
21976439 - 30 min game with 2 people on our team with less than 10k player damage, effectively playing 4v6. One had 1:2 KDA and the other had 1:3. The worst person on the other team had a 2:1 KDA with 18k damage.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
Matchid: 21979299
100k souls ahead and double digits while while my team was in singles for elims, I didnt do great but our team fights were even worse