Bad Matchmaking Thread

21897212 & 21905820

Both of these games involve a high MMR duo stack on one team get lane matched against atleast 1 player who is nowhere near the same MMR
Rest of the team and lanes seemed even, my duo lane was stomped from the second we arrived into lane unable to fight at all.
21907065 19min game, I'm not good at the game, but I sometimes duo with someone who is, if I get carried to victory does that slot me into a more competitive pool?
I'd say a good 70% of my matches lately are Queued with bad teammates(70% of the 70%), games that we got stomped on completely(15%)(70% of this we get matched with highly coordinated Voice Chat 4 stacks, 5 stacks; 30% is one or two players out of our league just farm teammates), games that I stomp them because they are new players(5%) and the other 10% is a mixture of toxic teammates flaming and we ended up getting stomped (specifically to SEA), and leavers.

These are the 12 latest games that should relatively highlight the issues I described above. After playing for 400 hours, I have a pretty long history of bad games. I can provide more specific data if the dev teams require it. My username in those matches is Fishappy0, you can cross-check the hours I played on my publicly available Steam profile with the same name. I play Seven, Mirage, and Infernus, I'm definitely not the carry-the-game type, and I strongly believe the dev team would be against the "ADC" must carry the game archetype characters like in League or AoV. Also this issue was barely noticeable in my Viscous games pre-heavy nerfs.

Most of my games are either with my Duo teammate, who we play almost every night for one month straight or one in the NA server. This happens from 7 pm—2 am in the SEA server (the SEA region of the Asian server). Our theory, which is extrapolated from other esports games we played Overwatch 2(1 year+), Valorant, and other skill-based games, is that this issue specifically relates to this region, and this timeframe specifically. Where people who got off work and just wanted to play matches regardless of the match status without trying at all, got matched into 4-5 or 6 stacks that abuse most matchmaking systems knowing the fact that they would be matched against said people with a high probability and much lower skill than them.

Our biggest gripes right now is that we keep getting queued into highly coordinated stacks (more than 4 or even 6), while our teammates are either uncoordinated or oblivious to the game

Our proposal for the above solution, which the overwatch devs had tried once, is strictly match 4+ stack comps against each other, rather than a discrete team comp ie:2-3-1, 3-3, or even better, match the same team comp against each other ie: 5-1 against 5-1, and make it like overwatch currently does, which is matching 6 stacks exclusively to each other. As for the low-quality unskilled teammates, I personally believe that this issue will iron itself out on full release like Overwatch 2(we left the game due to horribly unbalanced characters that are stripped of their identities).

Typed-out IDs of the above matches (and the issues if I can remember it):

- 21883757 (1 rage quitter, and team like most matches I played, are stuck to exclusively farming and not engaging objectives)
- 21874226
- 21865059
- 21856656 (again 1 leaver, and the team did nothing but somehow won due to the enemy fed at end game and we just pushed their objectives)
- 21845579
- 21834076
- 21827214
- 21817715
- 21802935
- 21794250
- 21793054 (Straight quitters and snowballed from there, one more in the list I can't rmb)
- 21633854

But yea, do contact me if you need specific types of games I listed above, I'll try to gather evidence as I remember it.

PS: the games I listed above was amplified significantly after today's update, before today, I would some what, around 40% chance get games that are acceptable.
21914384 played in a solo lane against a geist that didnt miss a single shot on me most of the game, player on a completely different level with how they operated and jumped and kept murdering me, all while in the background i kept hearing my team dying over and over and over again, at least they finished fast

21909768 big player difference on both teams, insane soul gap most of the game, most of us didnt even break 20k in a 23 minute game

21881253 some players felt very much out of their league in this one, barely hanging around 20k souls in a 44 minute game

most of my solo queue games feel widly unbalanced while when i queue with a friend they are usually fairly alright in that regard
Matchmaking has been MISERABLE lately, don't even really want to queue up any more
I may have won some of these matches but they were not fun to play at all and i just got absolutely decimated every time i left spawn which ruins the match for me either way. Before the most recent major update the matches felt fair and were usually fun even if i lost, now they feel very one sided...