Bad Matchmaking Thread

Dear Valve Development Team,


I am a long-time fan of your games, especially your new project Deadlock. I have noticed some aspects of the current ranking system in the game and would like to share my ideas on how it could be improved.


Currently, the ranking system in Deadlock doesn't fully reflect the individual contribution of each player in a match. This is particularly noticeable for roles that aren't focused on getting kills, such as supports or heroes that concentrate on achieving game objectives. The lack of fair evaluation can lead to decreased motivation and satisfaction from playing.

My Solution:

I have developed a machine learning model that takes into account a wide range of game metrics to more accurately and fairly assess player performance. The model:

  • Considers the specific features of different roles (carry, mid, support), adjusting the weights of metrics accordingly.
  • Evaluates individual contribution based on indicators such as KDA, damage dealt, damage to objectives, resources collected, and completion of key game objectives.
  • Provides a transparent point allocation system, encouraging team play and active participation in achieving victory.
Why This Matters:

  • Enhancing the gaming experience: Fair assessment increases player satisfaction and encourages them to return to the game.
  • Stimulating teamwork: Players will be more motivated to help the team, knowing their contribution will be recognized.
  • Attracting and retaining players: A more balanced ranking system can attract new players and retain existing ones.
What I'm Proposing:

  • Review my detailed report and model prototype on
  • Consider collaborating to integrate the model into the game and further optimize it using real data.
  • Discuss ideas and receive feedback from your team to improve the model.

I sincerely believe that my solution can make a significant contribution to the development of Deadlock and increase player satisfaction. I would be delighted to discuss this with your team and work together to improve the gameplay.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


21831098 me (haze) and shiv were the only ones doing anything, Seven was just suiciding and ulting in corners.
21824409 The dynamo was literally lost around the map, never had any souls because he wasted time just exploring and ignoring creeps next to him
21790616 Moe n Krill was running the urn on a loop even if he saw 3 people waiting for him at the hand in point, he just ran it down and lost it
Match IDs:
  1. 21684292
  2. 21694452
  3. 21827071
  4. 21831733
Again, I will not go into detail about each match, but I will simply describe what unites them. Some players seemed to have a much higher skill level, while others had a significantly lower level.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
Teammates were so clueless


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This was probably the most one-sided match I've experienced yet, but other matches have been pretty bad as well. Scoreboard sort of speaks for itself. I laned with Lash who did well until I stopped staying by their side with him only coming back once he was able to fight around me. Ivy was my duo who was placed in the other duo lane with a random person. Match #21719112.

Screenshot 2024-10-11 161629.png
21887731 - very one-sided, but I think it might be in part because the Lady Geist swapped from green lane to blue lane before the first wave? Isn't lane placement based on MMR?
21885921 - Look at Ivy, Viscous and Paradox they are on my team - We lose this game because of an obvious imbalance in the matchmaking
21892266 - GAME RIGHT AFTER - I'm against Viscous and Ivy - We win this game, they obviously don't belong in this MMR

Tighten up the matchmaking, give us longer queues for a better experience.
MATCH 21888597

Never had a game as one sided as this one. Our team had over double the enemy team soul value and ended the game within 17 minutes.

Absolutely insane matchmaking gap.
