Bad Matchmaking Thread

matchid: 21735124

115k vs 191k
No communication issue, No player's trolling. The first 5-8 minutes are fine. But after that was a disaster. You can tell the other team are all duo or trio, while my team no cooperation.

The first match didn't even last 5 minutes before the enemy team has a leaver our team was just a lot better all around
Then the match I play right after it's reversed I have 1 or 2 other teammates I feel like that belong and the rest are outclassed.
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Over at 15min, every lane dramatically outmatched. Even just last hit accuracy seemed on another planet from most of their team compared to ours.

Absolutely unacceptable match right here. 1st walker down within 5 minutes. Also split me and my stack up and tried to mix us up. This should NEVER happen.

Whatever you've done with the matchmaking is unacceptable, every single match I am the player with the highest MMR in the lobby yet my team is mostly around half of my MMR or even lower, games are incredibly one sided against me and whenever I get a good game it's exclusively against weak players or new players which shouldn't happen.

The 21738530 match in particular shouldn't happen ever. The McGinnis on my team has been playing the game just for 5 days as they said on the voice chat when I've been playing since NDA lifted and I was still the player with the highest MMR. Any change that was done recently needs to be reverted.
I haven't had a single game since the update that was even close. Closest has been 50k difference and all have been sub 35 minutes. This update has made the game unplayable.


The wraith had 5k souls up on me before 8 minutes.
I'm not going to bother putting up messages anymore. Your matchmaker is fucking broken, and has been SIGNIFICANTLY worse since the time you changed it from when you put up this thread. It is now so bad that it doesn't even work today. I might as well spin a roulette wheel or play Mahjong because that is the amount of RNG that it has been.

It is so fundamentally broken that I think it should be scrapped completely. Change it back. This has been over half of my games since you changed it, and now it is all of them today. You can look at my match history and see for yourself, but I'm done posting since this is so frequent that I'm going to fill up twenty pages of this thread by myself at this rate.

Also Sardines, I would unironically report every single one of those people on the enemy team. If they don't end in a reasonable amount of time with that lead, they're griefing and they know it.

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Match ID:21752954

3 players on my team with 0 kills, shiv had a free lane cause he laned against someone BRAND NEW! I don't know why i keep getting blessed with games like this. I may as well report every single match I have since it always turns out this way.