Bad Matchmaking Thread

My apologies, the bad configuration fix was mistakenly reverted temporarily, and bad matches were being formed for about 45 minuets again.
We've checked that the configuration is accurate now, and it should not get reverted again.
We have had to make some changes in preparation for ranked.

Someone needs to tell Valve that you can't build a team with 2 good players, 2 mediocre ones, and 2 bad ones and expect things to work out against a team of 6 bad players. It's gonna be a stompScreenshot 2024-10-10 214319.png
Match ID: 21702165

Not even sure what to say about this game I just played. Skill levels in the game felt all out of wack. My friend and I queued together felt much much better than the entire rest of the team, yet our teammates felt even worse. I'm not one to usually complain about teammates, everyone has a bad game here and there, it's natural occasionally that will happen with your teammates. But I generally do not know how it's possible with remotely similar skill levels for players to be doing such little damage in a 40 minute game where we were winning it for the first 35 minutes. Had somewhere between 50-100% greater networth than our teammates for almost the entire duration of the game.

Also Abrahms rage quit at somewhere around the 32 or 33 minute mark if I had to guess when the game was still very much in our grasp. Playing dota for around 10 years and I can honestly say I dont think I ever experienced a game that felt this lopsided in terms of skill level in a long time.

21708776 - Had the "Wide skill range" thing with my party (our shiv), but I don't think that excuses two random teammates getting <0.2 KDRs when the entire enemy team has nothing like that.
Match ID: 21709487

The early game felt close. It didn't seem like their team knew how to farm, however, so they were rapidly outscaled. 90k soul gap at the end of the match.

21711831 - Skill gap is too diff, and this can't be another thing except the matchmaking bug or mmr reset because all my team here look like new player. 4 min guardian break, 6 deaths+, no item organize just buy by builds.


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