Bad Matchmaking Thread

October the 10th , match ID 21661905 - had the opportunity to shine against Abrams in lane , almost winning it outright before people piled on purple and forced me to withdraw. The match felt entirely unwinnable as my teammates seemed to have no clue about basic strategy (defending walkers , killing creeps before attacking so that they have a zipline to retreat to) or any advanced interactions (dynamo spending ult on yamato who was in ult) ; the enemy would secure the rejuvenator with mcginnis wall , abrams parry and staggered punches. Naturally the enemy team easily snowballed into a 89k souls lead in 34 minutes. Despite my 500 hours of play and positive winrate I am not remotely good enough to give my team a fighting chance in such a situation.
Solo queued into this lobby. The other players didn't have a hold on basic concepts. The wraith, on the opposite side of the map from me lost their walker extremely early and no one rotated. I was able to shut the enemy Shiv down. Was pretty evident my team, and the enemy team, didn't know what objectives to prioritize, but thankfully once I realized I was in a mismatched lobby I started making calls and my team listened.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help

21512256, just a swing and a miss, everyone on amber was stronger than sapphire.​

There was a matchmaking bug active from about 16:00 to about 16:45 Pacific time today.
(Roughly 1h15m -- 30m ago.)
If your match started during that time......sorry!
WTF is this man? the bug still active or whats happening? Youre killing your own game before even releasing it with this MM seriously. At this point im actually thinking that a bunch of monkeys could manage to write better code for MM, you had it working and then you seem unable to get it working again. Is this a joke or what is actually happening?

The worst game I have ever played in my ~200 hours. Viscous somehow had two abilities before the 2 minute mark, and the rest of my team got stomped along with me. Notice how none of them died. What the fuck was this match? Why did it exist? I guess I'm not playing until the 15th, because holy shit matches this past week have been horrible.

Long time veterans trouncing complete newbies. Each side Seems like each side had one strong man (talon, dynamo) and a biig onset of floppage (vindicta, seven, infernus). Early game headless seems a complete freshy vs me in lane.

completely one-sided. I get that our party had a bit of a skill gap but no one on our team was able to win their lane and it led to a non-game of dying and waiting

the other team was very mean and nasty about it too (this is crucial and very relevant information I know)


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Queued as duo, got the two single lanes which we did fine in. However the duo lanes were clueless.

The game ended 43-4. Our teammates died over and over and over and never adjusted their gameplay. They did not communicate and appeared to have no idea what they were doing.

Been playing for weeks and this game was the worst we've ever been a part of.