Bad Matchmaking Thread

Asia server

21451780 - (5:30am) stomp the enemies, 50k advantages with 20+ kills different in 20 minutes game
21593299 - (11:00pm) got stomp; those 2 Wraith and Haze are very questionable
21621063 - 3 of our players struggled, even though enemies dont get fed at the beginning they end up dominating, seven pushes even after walkers and keeps spamming first skill without dying, the gameplay level of the enemies was way higher compared to our team. Game was over by 15 - 20 mins.
Match ID: 21633771

Judging by two different people pausing when someone DC'd, I was put in with at minimum a group of 3 (the Seven, Vindicta, and Wraith). The difference in each teams KDAs really says it all.
21640941 - no one in team seemed to have any idea what's happening, some kept feeding. enemy team? of course they knew when to push and not to feed a thousand kills, oh and pocket in own team? 10k dmg max. enemy team? pushing 100k with full keyboard macros and gaming chair. what are these griefing lobbies lately, people i reported previously for griefing keep popping over and over in my team ruining more and more games. they don't listen, they don't plan to improve, they just do their own thing, which is feed. game is hard not because the enemy team is good, and pushes you, no, it's because of these players that ruin games intentionally. dota had the same problem before some years ago, few months ago whenever i played it wasn't that bad.

laned against a vindicta as a shiv. and yes, a sniper against a shotgun is as bad as it sounds.
said vindicta had a 26 killstreak that game, for one death and 30 kills + 12 assists total

game lasted 24min and ended with 30k gap
Match 21665533 - The Shiv was clearly a much more advanced player than the rest of us. His movement and ability was way above anyone else in the game. He would dive Guardian, parry it, then run past like it didn't exist. He was wall jumping with ease. Dominated our entire team.