With this game supposedly getting larger updates, I really hope the first one is a revamp to matchmaking as a whole because it's no wonder some people tend to quit the game. The match here involved us constantly getting rolled by their teamfighting, Yamato going off to eat all the troopers, and with it being a pretty quick stomp. Y'all got a good product here, but some absolute dogshit "matchmaking". [ID: 31822373]
Recently been put into servers that are in a different region than I am queuing for. I've queued for NA exclusively ever since they unlocked restricted queue time and switched to 24/7 queue times. Think it's rather unfair to randomly end up playing in a different region.
January 15th
Match ID: 31822203
Garbage matching mechanism, at the beginning of the game, I finished on the opposite side of one line, but the other three lines of our team lost, and the economy was overtaken
Well for once it was a bad match made in our favour, but this felt like bullying, laning phase was fairly even but post lane they got destroyed, we still had 2 guardians by the time the game ended (we were a 4 stack for what its worth)
31864982 I would like the matchmaking system to ban the warden for griefing, leaving the game before teamfights, and whining in vc. Enemies were asking if he was saying something, so I assume this isn't the first time he has behaved this way