Bad Matchmaking Thread

This match was a stomp through and through, as well as all of our teammates fighting because our Grey Talon was toxic/blaming everyone but himself. Please manually work on your matchmaking[ID: 31626190]
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Smurf account please ban.

I was placed into 4 games with this player last night. They were obviously smurfing, look at their name. Ban this person. Even after reporting them I was in a match with them again.

Honestly the experience ruined the game so much for me I don't think I'm coming back for a while. It's simply not fair or fun for anyone.

Match IDs:

Match ID: 316668531736575059846.pngThis image speaks for itself I feel. We were 4-stacked but most of us were oracle.

Match ID: 31667864
Again four-stacked, lobby ranks are supposably equal but the outter lanes (haze and pocket) died quickly and seemed out of place in our rank. One point pocket ignored his walker being pushed by minions on his lane to attack viscous as his guardian.
The match was so bad we only got ONE flex slot unlocked, as well as one of our players being new. If you're gonna update monthly or so, please make the biggest update the MM fix [ID: 31683298]
Also there's a clear asf smurf in my match and I checked his profile: Made two weeks ago with a 75% win rate in 16 games. Ban his ass for p much cheating