Bad Matchmaking Thread

All my matches are completely unbalanced because my rank is completely wrong :


Came back to the game after a long break (Pre ranked) and found out my rank was Emissary V. Been clapped every single game since. Kinda ruined the experience for me...
I was placed into 4 games with this player last night. They were obviously smurfing, look at their name. Ban this person. Even after reporting them I was in a match with them again.

Honestly the experience ruined the game so much for me I don't think I'm coming back for a while. It's simply not fair or fun for anyone.

Match IDs:


This player is still active, they changed their name. Valve does jack shit about this apparently

My friend and I ended up playing against a Ivy/Seven who ended up carrying us last game, as well as others in the same lobby defending him big time. I checked his profile and it's literally new. I don't care if they're doing it to "play a new character", especially when you're unironically taking ranked mode in a CLOSED BETA seriously. Smurfing's still smurfing. Ban them

self explanatory when you look at the ranks- i queued with vi, dj, and tianes, so we were a 4 stack. We have a range of ranks but none of them are nearly as high as eternus. All of us are accounts who have owned the game since around june/july so no fresh accts/smurfs. Totalwannabe and DrDonut9001 were fills. The matchmaker made our match very very fast

I was finally playing with friends again and I noted that playing grouped is 200% worse than solo. Especially if you are somewhat apart in ranks and skill it's absolutely horrendous. Not having ranked and unranked separated then just makes me not want to play with my friends at all because it's 50/50 coin flip only. My solo games are mostly alright, I'd say 70% are winnable either way for those.

We also had the 2 same players in 2 different games that clearly had no clue what they were doing so I really don't understand why you give people Archon tier after their 4 first wins. Your placement mmr is what ruined the game.

So for anyone still posting here and reading others messages I strongly suggest you active solo Q mode in console with "mm_prefer_solo_only true" and not play with friends that are too far apart in rank. If you are a solo player and dont have solo Q mode actived you're gonna get matched with different stacks and have more horrible games.
