Bad Matchmaking Thread


It has become a pattern where 4 out of 5 games are heavily stacked in one direction. One team has 1-2 heavy feeders, and the other team has 1-2 ultra sweats. Why not split them???

9 out of 10 games played you can absolutely tell within 5 mins the outcome, rarely does that change.
ID 31873524

I am a Ritualist 2 and my friend who just took a month's long break was an Emissary 1. We got placed in an Emissary 5 avg team against an Archon 2 team. We survived lane, but failed to have any impact on the game afterwards. Being outplayed at every turn.
In the last 15 matches, the game has consistently put me on teams full of newbies. It’s impossible to play like this—it’s frustrating to be paired with teammates who keep dying every minute, feeding souls to the enemy team.

Shortly after, the soul gap becomes insurmountable, and the match is already decided by the 10th minute. On top of that, it’s not possible to leave a completely lost game as early as the 10th minute without receiving a ban. As a result, people now wait for someone to sacrifice themselves by leaving first so they can quit these pointless matches too.

It’s 40 minutes of wasted time when the game is already decided by the 10th minute. You need to allow players to leave, as bans don’t solve the problem—they make it worse. Even I sometimes can’t take it anymore and am forced to leave, ending up with a ban that prevents me from playing for 2 days. Over time, this will lead me to quit the game entirely—it’s not a constructive solution.

Implement some kind of automation where, if the soul gap reaches a certain threshold, players are allowed to quit. Alternatively, add a voting system that allows the team to surrender. As it stands, it’s unplayable.

Take a look at this match—Abraham managed to die 18 times in 28 minutes. Considering respawn times, that’s a real record. How can anyone play with teammates like this? Winning becomes impossible. By the 10th minute, he had already died 11 times, feeding the enemy millions of souls, making them stronger and widening the gap even more.

You need to do something about this.


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I had an amazing game, but I keep getting matched with complete noobs.

Just look at the stats—take WARDEN, for example, who should be getting 10-15 kills, but instead died 18 times in 38 minutes. How am I supposed to win a match when I keep ending up in such unbalanced games?


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For the game, these matches averaged out somewhere in Alchemist, but in each one there were players operating on a level so far above most of the others in the match that they were playing a different game (and of course they were always on the other team). Tracklock tells me that for one of these games, one player's account is ranked/used to be ranked Emissary 3 and another's Ritualist 4.
18 total kills on our team vs 53 total kills on the enemy team, we had one whole flex slot at the end of the round and didn't take down a single walker
Match ID: 31891308

We got infernus try to understand the game mechanic? Didnt use skill and keep farming and shoot and soul in base only. left lane early untill walker push out. when teamate try to hit enemy nearby he just keep farm then left. no skill or whatsoever. jkust shoot and shoot.

I'm bad at deadlock but this was clearly mismatched fully. *It was just before the latest major update so- Maybe lack of players on the game.

Match ID: 31934256
90% winrate with only 40 games, also he uses aimhack. please devs take care of him. He was in party with Lers, who also is a new account with high winrate.

bstrd ,Crowface are in party , they are also new accounts with 70% winrate. very suspicious.
Totally a oneside game due to smurfs and hackers
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  • Approximately 70% of matches are now woefully unbalanced, 70% of time spent in this game feels like an insult and complete wasted time
  • New heroes should not under any circumstances be added until matchmaking is fixed as you are just adding more variables to factor in to the balance and the matchmaking
  • The single greatest factor to a players enjoyment is going to boil down to matchmaking and the greatest contributor to the inevitable failure of this game if it isn't addressed.

After 100's of hours in this game, I've finally uninstalled and am saying goodbye not simply due to the woeful state of matchmaking today but because of watching it incrementally get worse over time. It's just insane that after all of these matches, all of the people raging at you guys, that the single most important element of this game could be in such a terrible terrible state.
  • Approximately 70% of matches are now woefully unbalanced, 70% of time spent in this game feels like an insult and complete wasted time
  • New heroes should not under any circumstances be added until matchmaking is fixed as you are just adding more variables to factor in to the balance and the matchmaking
  • The single greatest factor to a players enjoyment is going to boil down to matchmaking and the greatest contributor to the inevitable failure of this game if it isn't addressed.

After 100's of hours in this game, I've finally uninstalled and am saying goodbye not simply due to the woeful state of matchmaking today but because of watching it incrementally get worse over time. It's just insane that after all of these matches, all of the people raging at you guys, that the single most important element of this game could be in such a terrible terrible state.
This shit game state didn't changed since Ranked was removed. They literally don't care about anything that people typing here. For 3 month there was 0 changes to MM balance. So you still think that devs care? Even when there was like 100k+ players game balance was weird, but bcs of more players base 5 of 10 matches was like 50-50 chances to win. Rest of matches was one side domination. Now its 1-1. 1 game you are god, 1 game you a suck. So you can see that game dying every single day, but who cares if not a players?
Eternus 3 player here, have gotten exclusively phantom / oracle lobbies since the new heroes dropped. Every game is a 20 minute stomp where I run over their team and I feel bad

sample match IDs:

31969837 match id
the actual lystic (eternus 6 5th best player itw by global rankings) is on the enemy team along with another eternus player (the magician player) whilst my elo is oracle 31737234459569.png1737233711549.png
Impossible to play like this, do something. The matches are nerve-wracking; all the noobs end up on my team, and there are so many of them. They keep dying non-stop—it's embarrassing. The fun is zero; this game is infuriating, for f***'s sake!

Day after the new patch which added 4 new heroes. Played 4 games so far and all of them have been higher than my rank. I am currently Emissary 2. I was put in a Emissary 3, 4 and 5, as well as an Archon 1. This has never happened before. At worst I was put in 2 ranks higher once in a while but this is nuts. No good for me since its harder and less fun, not good for my team since I am not at their skill level.