32020730 - Literally none of the three people in my party add up anywhere close to Oracle IV. We have an Archon I, an
Oracle I, and a Ritualist V. We had a singular insane pocket on our team that was probably somewhat closer to fucking Ascendant or Eternus than whatever ranks we're playing at, and they just so happened to have bought 3 different curses just for him. The Vyper wasn't even doing that well in lane until around midgame, where her 600-1000 goddamn DPS can melt you even through Metal Skin and Improved Bullet Armour.
32035329 - Matchmaker did a terrible job, my duo was Ritualist V, I'm Emissary II, our team rank was Emissary 6 (*) while the enemy team was ORACLE 6 (*)
32038657 - Our Lady Geist was most likely a new player, and the Holliday and Lash that we ended up laning against are 93rd and 28th on the leaderboard for NA (Eternus IV and VI respectively)
Sapphire Flame team was a 6 stack of Eternus players, confirmed through the Yamato player's Twitch handle, Amber Hand team was average Archon 4. This is ridiculous.
Horrible match as per usual. The Bebop on their team hard carried their entire team, p much always popping out of nowhere and dominating all of us, going for bomb/hyper beam spam. Seeing as this persons profile is private, I would not be surprised if this dude is being a smurf. Can anyone confirm if he is? [ID: 32045595]
32051114 - BIG difference between the ranks (Arcanist IV to Rituralist VI) and players, also Haze decided to throw at the last minute with her trash talking the team