Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match ID 31531867

team mates doing absolutely no damage and getting steamrolled

mirage was in an phantom 2 game 5 hours ago... so was mechanically better then the rest of our team. I'm archon 2


New year, new low :)
At this point I think the devs are not trying anything at all to fix the terrible matchmaking system despite this being one of the most raised issues. I understand this is an alpha game, but if you wanted the players to be willing to test the game, at least make it enjoyable? The current version of the matchmaking is THE ABSOLUTE WORST in all of my playtime since August.

I really want this game to be good, I really do, because I really love this game, but if the devs are not trying to figure things out to give reasons for the players to enjoy the game at all, I don't see any reason to keep sticking to this game anymore.

I couldn't care less about the bugs or visuals because to me nothing is more important than the player experience, and I can firmly say that out of the games that I have played, Deadlock surely has the absolute WORST matchmaking algorithm. Unfairly matched games where one team absolutely dominates the other, fair games only happen once in a blue moon.
Yea, hopefully after the devs break they can use all the data to improve matchmaking on the first or second patch of the year, or at the very least address it.

arcanist games where people didn't know where they are on the map, did not know how fo climb the line, while they get players with 300+ hours
fix your shit matchmaking

im over this game until the matchmaking is fixed

Other team felt like professionals, oh my goodness, I'm not very good at the game so being put into this match felt crazy.


This one was the opposite way, had a very stacked team on our end but not so for their side.
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24min game, 5 stack with a 0/19 krill and a 2/9 infernus.
game was over before it started.
So disgustingly bad i cant believe this can even happen
31541194 - Although I had low damage on Dynamo, I had good healing, and I genuinely believe that this Wraith is a new player. Archon VI vs Oracle I is a joke.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
31543569 We didn't even stand a chance

Amazing match quality again. I literally dropped 5 ranks in a month's time because of this godawful matchmaker, where 80% of my games were complete one sided games like this one, and I lost count on how many times I've posted on this thread but seeing no improvements whatsoever.

Woke up this morning seeing the devs' announcement on Discord and I knew this dooming matchmaker is probably going to stick with us for a longer time than any of us would've liked. I really don't care about the patch whatsoever, the patch mean nothing if non of the games I play could take advantage of any of the changes in the patches because we just constantly get thrown into unfair and unbalanced games like this, with huge skill discrepencies between the players in both teams.

The average skill level showed in the results screen meant ABSOLUTELY NOTHING because I would still get placed against teams with players are a few ranks higher than my team. I even used the the command to force solo games, but it was to no avail, because even in solo games the players that got placed into the games are still of skill levels all over the places.

Devs, many things could've been done in a month's time, and I think you guys basically dragged your own feet down by leaving the matchmaking system in a terrible state before going on your holiday break, souring the playing experience for the players. Now that more and more players decided to quit this game for good due to this garbage matchmaker, you guys are starting to run out of players to properly test the matchmaking system, and it will only take even longer time and even more resources to finally get the matchmaker tuned. Is this really what you guys wanted? Hello, time to wake up. Haven't the experiences of Artifact and Dota Underlords taught you guys enough?
comically bad matchmaking, a party chainfeeding, not even close to the rank they r put in.
Not touching this game again, this is completely pointless. Shame

Just feel like everyone here, my teammates and the enemy, were playing at a much higher skill level than me. Two teammates were nasty to me in the game. Really wasn't fun at all. Not sure why I was assigned to this match


made a break because of reasons. came back. 4mins, all 4 lanes instantly lost.

either cheaters or this MM is absolutely broken.
Match 31586711
Completely unwinnable game. 3 of my teammates had 14 deaths and the next one had 11. How is this even remotely balanced? Skill was such a disparity obvious from the start. Fix it