Match ID: 31422888
For this match the "Extra competitive" button was checked.
The Warden and the McGuinis were extremely bad. Both fed their lane very easily by just running at the enemy with 20% health. You'd think Pocket's shotgun did no damage based on the way both of them played in lane. At 11 minutes Warden was 1/7/0 and McGuinis was 1/3/0. Their lane opponents weren't super amazing (they were good though), Warden and McGuinis were just that bad.
While the Grey Talon may seem like an outlier, looking at the gameplay, his lane fed him, he played very well, and used his ult to help his other lanes (and he used it more than 4 times in the match).
After the lane phase the Warden would just run at the enemy, press all of his buttons with his ult up, and hope he got a kill; with or without team mates. The Warden has almost 500 hours in deadlock, but plays like someone who barely understand what levels are and that more souls means more powerful. Running at someone twice your soul level isn't a great idea, but Warden doesn't understand. If you look up his game history he's consistently this bad.
McGuinis would just try to rush towers down and not contribute to the game. She would regularly wall off objectives when she was near her team. The worst non-contribution from McGuinis would be the fact she used her ult only 4 times in a 35 minute match... McGuinis would also regularly face check enemies that were above her soul level (9k McGuinis against a 14k Pocket). How a player that plays this poorly and doesn't use one of their most powerful skills was queued with me is a mystery.
If a player is consistently getting death counts like this, they should be queued with other players who score similarly. A score in the double digits shows poor decision making that item build or skill usage could never express.