Bad Matchmaking Thread


My teammates died 40 times but the match only lasted for 22mins lol. Just like every game I play - no one in my team wins his lane, 1st walker down within 9 mins, I finished 3 lane guardians and 2 walkers, no one else did something the whole round. What in the world is going on with your matchmaking. This is unbearable. I am tired of getting teammates that are probably new to the game or dont know how to play.

I guess this might be the best "gift of the season" that the dev gives us - games with huge skill discrepancy. This is the 3rd time in a week's time that I have reported this, and it seems like nothing has changed, and will most likely change. I ALWAYS got placed into the same team WITH THE EXACT SAME TEAMMATES THAT CAUSED THE LOST GAMES CONSECUTIVELY, and I think there were a few players that I played against always seem to be playing in the opponent team as well. Just what the hell is this?

I guess the devs just don't want us to have any fun in this game :)
I am an oracle 2 rank. I just queued in lefaa and lost horribly in 17 minutes. Come on. Average was Phantom 4 Oracle 3. Not even close. I'd rather not find a game than find one like this.

Match ID: 31033112

It's hard to express complaint when knowing I'm not doing my part fully to 'try' during the game. i.e. talking through the mic and not only using the ping system. Though I will say that I rarely have the 'competitive queue' checked because I don't always want to communicate through VC. I do try to use my pings to help others look at the map (it really feels like people don't look enough). The biggest issues I've been having in my games is my teammates' game sense. I feel like I know when we should be pushing a lane to farm/get towers or defending instead of farming. Knowing when to start playing together and not go off alone without at least communicating in some way what they are doing. I try to help my teammates in fights or if they are getting ganked. Sometimes I catch it and can help and other times I am of no help and instead end up feeding. (still learning too)
It just feels like people focus too much on PvP and not enough on towers/creeps. It feels like when you're newer at the game you focus on kills rather than objectives. Also a 'new player' doesn't get the timings of things like mid, when to group, urn, pushing lanes, etc.

I use those examples because that is how I played when I first started. My friend who played MOBAS really helped me learn the timings and corrected me about what to focus on. (I'm sure those were not fun games for him)

Team Comp felt balanced.
-didn't have a team comp like in this match (id:31037017) where it felt like they just had the front line and we had a "front line". Maybe if it was other players it could've been the total opposite. I don't know. It just didn't feel very balanced.

tl;dr - team didn't feel like they knew what they were doing fully or how to adjust to what's happening in the match
Match ID: 31034216

This is a mid Emissary match and the Mirage, "Murk" was so insanely good I immediately had me and my friend look at the global leader board to see if he was on there and low and behold number 37 on North America is Murk (see screenshot). Now I cannot see if sure if this was the same Murk, but I notice him twice doing movements there I knew he was way better then me and that he know the game (aka had to be skill, not hacks). 1735284104644.png
Once again, this match was listed as Emissary 3, AKA bottom 40% of the player base, and the 37th best player was in the game. And to cut off the other arguments, there was no terrible player on there team to balance it out. If anything the other player enemy players seemed noticeably better then the rest of us, but was hard to tell in the stomp. Only Murk showed his prowess in unmistakable ways that I knew something was up. The only example I will type is when running backwards from our base, Mirage doubled jumped perfectly to get on the bridge (Aka he did it blindly).
Matchmaking is hilariously bad at the moment. I am jumping between Phantom 1 and 3 every few matches. The only conclusion I can draw is that the game is trying to pull whoever it can into a match to keep queue times from getting too long. Even if those players are multiple ranks above or below you. Consistently bad matches lead to a smaller player base from which to draw people for balanced matches. This wasn't a problem in late October through most of November. There is no point in posting match IDs since this has been a recurring issue for such a long time. Chances are the devs already know this, though they won't have to fix it for now since they can increase the player base by advertising the game for free on their own platform. Valve, please fix.