Match ID: 31033112
It's hard to express complaint when knowing I'm not doing my part fully to 'try' during the game. i.e. talking through the mic and not only using the ping system. Though I will say that I rarely have the 'competitive queue' checked because I don't always want to communicate through VC. I do try to use my pings to help others look at the map (it really feels like people don't look enough). The biggest issues I've been having in my games is my teammates' game sense. I feel like I know when we should be pushing a lane to farm/get towers or defending instead of farming. Knowing when to start playing together and not go off alone without at least communicating in some way what they are doing. I try to help my teammates in fights or if they are getting ganked. Sometimes I catch it and can help and other times I am of no help and instead end up feeding. (still learning too)
It just feels like people focus too much on PvP and not enough on towers/creeps. It feels like when you're newer at the game you focus on kills rather than objectives. Also a 'new player' doesn't get the timings of things like mid, when to group, urn, pushing lanes, etc.
I use those examples because that is how I played when I first started. My friend who played MOBAS really helped me learn the timings and corrected me about what to focus on. (I'm sure those were not fun games for him)
Team Comp felt balanced.
-didn't have a team comp like in this match (id:31037017) where it felt like they just had the front line and we had a "front line". Maybe if it was other players it could've been the total opposite. I don't know. It just didn't feel very balanced.
tl;dr - team didn't feel like they knew what they were doing fully or how to adjust to what's happening in the match