Bad Matchmaking Thread

unsure how someone who peaked emissary is getting into a phantom average lobby and it's expected for the team to win - if it's not went to be won then why does rank change so drastically
30928499 -- We won way too quickly, we were loosing our lane and then suddenly once the team fights started happening we completely dominated. I feel like I was carried by a few really good teammates
game lasted 15-20min, infernus with 500+ hours of game intentionally feeding.
There's no reason for this guy to be in an emissary rank game
seven says "i troll" proceeds to feed and leave, vindicta smurf probably aimbotting, then the game turned into a skin trade fest.
this is the state on matchmaking
This matchmaking is completely unacceptable, I come back to play after a month break, and we're getting put against an Ascendant III pocket and a Phantom IV Geist, who both completely stomp the game because everyone in our stack is emissary and archon!! Why the fuck are we getting put up against a top 300 player???

MEANWHILE on our team, we get a lash with 60 (!!) games overall, and a Yamato with 80 games, against a pocket with 600!!! and a Geist with 328!!. These two people had more games than our entire stack COMBINED!!.

This type of shit makes me never want to play this game again, why is this even possible? Why the fuck can someone who is 3 ranks above the stack, with 4x the amount of games get matched against us?

If this type of matchmaking continues, this game is going to die.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
can you tell me what the problem is to make an equal matchmaking and calibration system without any shadow manipulating on sorting players ? if you dont know how to make online competitive games, so pls add personal metric system to measure individual skill of players according to their REAL skill and impact on a game ? Do you thing ppl enjoy play their maximum, among the team full of trash, leavers etc just because he had only 2 games streak before ? Why i have to play such match till end if i have enough understanding to realize there is no chance to comeback ? where is the surrender button ? do you play your game ? do you read this thread though ? its 228 pages now, will you do anything or you just trolling people ? dont you thing that matchmaking is the main trouble of your game ?

Me: Oh, I'll just queue a game or two...maybe it was just bad luck.

Also me: No, the matchmaking just is this bad.

This is making the game essentially unplayable.

That's it. I'm done. Not only was the lobby insanely unbalanced, it was already hard enough as it was because I am an NA player in a fucking 100+ ping EU lobby having to deal with lane condition where I'm getting denied 1 billion times.

I love Deadlock, but I am done until you stop putting NA players into EU lobbies. It's completely insane that you expect players to play this.
infernus insanely misplaced skillwise, chainfeeding, not partecipating. I understand the playerbase is little (due to stuff like this), but this is not acceptable. MM is so trash i doubt any of the devs even played the game
seven chainfeeding with 400h. 1/10 infernus.
0/8 seven after 10 minutes in a solo lane.
Balance non existent.
If this mm hasnt managed to get im in his proper rank after 400 hours, then nothing is working.
Since I've reach Oracle 5. The match making always put me on Emissary/Lower archon lobbies. I've been playing with people that don't know the fundamentals of the game. They either always run at enemies or push towers when enemies are missing. I am playing on Oceania region.
Match ID: 30999458


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31002588 Complete stomp, >20k soul deficit at 10 minutes >40k soul deficit at 15 minutes, match ended with all guardians still up. People reporting they're playing one of their weaker heroes (but don't seem to understand the fundamentals of the game regardless).