Bad Matchmaking Thread

Matchmaking is hilariously bad at the moment. I am jumping between Phantom 1 and 3 every few matches. The only conclusion I can draw is that the game is trying to pull whoever it can into a match to keep queue times from getting too long. Even if those players are multiple ranks above or below you. Consistently bad matches lead to a smaller player base from which to draw people for balanced matches. This wasn't a problem in late October through most of November. There is no point in posting match IDs since this has been a recurring issue for such a long time. Chances are the devs already know this, though they won't have to fix it for now since they can increase the player base by advertising the game for free on their own platform. Valve, please fix.
Match ID: 31054762

Super stomp. Finished the game in 18 minutes. Other side didn't even get a guardian till minions took one by accident as we were finishing their patron.

Well, back-to-back games with really big skill difference between teams, and at this point it's making me feel that the matchmaking system has for whatever reason stopped trying to balance the skill differences of players. The only "balance" aspect of it is the average skill between two teams, and honestly, this is bullshit. It is so obvious in these games where they have a team with a more balanced skill difference, while the other team has only one player that is clearly way better than the rest of the team but their average skill total match with the opposing team. Once again, this is bullshit. Games like this are not enjoyable to play at all, not a single bit, be it in a winning game or the losing game. Out of the 15 or so games I have been playing, only 3 or 4 games that I had are games with more similarly skilled players getting placed in one game, and this is pathetic. Yes the number of players have dropped significantly compared to maybe a month ago, but I don't think the player number has gone down so much that it is so difficult to match players who are similarly skilled into one game.

2 weeks, 2 weeks have I complaint about this issue, but I have yet to see any changes at all, and instead I find this issue getting worse and worse. Sometimes I really wonder if the devs indeed didn't want the players to enjoy the game at all or not. Of course I know this is not the case, but their lack of care seems to suggest that this is indeed the case. With the game being in alpha and everyone could use the excuse of "this is an alpha game" for every single shortcomings, I'd rather have this game to officially enter its beta stage so that the devs could get more pressure to improve the game more. At the current stage, I don't feel the devs are motivated enough to improve this game further.
So, at first I thought it was me, learning the game.

Now that I think I know what I'm doing at my skill level, it is obvious there are some serious balance issues in the matchmaking system. I'm in a losing streak hell, just being stomped game after game. The other team gets a double souls count lead in the early game and they just faceroll the thing.
The wins didn't seem fair either, it's just a case of who gets more feeders / disconnects.

It is so bad I felt I had to create an account to post here ... and also say this has burned me. I'm giving it a fews weeks / months (years ?) before playing it again. Guess this won't help the player base issue.

I have an addictive personnality for these kind of games, but it is so unbalanced and frustrating that now it just feels toxic to play.
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today 3 games - 3 loses
Matchmaking absolutly horrible. In my team people who clearly not on their ranks, they should be on initiate 1, not a step higher. Derank them manually and do something with it becouse your shit system doesnt work at all. Or at least give me an option to REPORT them so I dont get to play with them any time soon, becouse quite oftently those are SAME nicknames that playing ZERO TO TWENTY)))
4th and 5th games are the same. Tell me Its not HIDDEN PULL) And you wanna know when did it start?
Right after this one game) After this game - I had 2 wins out of 10 games. Tell me im getting bot team not becouse I was reported, not becouse I was falsly accused in smurfing, go ahead devs) Fking trash of a system designed to carry noobs by stacking them with decent players in one team.