Bad Matchmaking Thread

This game sucks; there is zero room to try new characters. Thanks for implementing the most horrendous matchmaking I've ever seen. Can't wait to see what sub 10k daily's looks like.
If I had a dollar for everytime I got a dogwater match in this game because of the trashy ass MM I'd have enough money to buy a Dreamcast. The team on the other side absolute stomped us, we got NO flex slots until the game already ended, and look at that souls ratio/time length. Fix your fucking matchmaking I am BEGGING YOU. PLEASE. I WILL DO ANYTHING TO SEE YOU FIX THIS PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A SYSTEM. I know things like this are hard to work on, but for the love of all that is holy this is the literal worst matchmaking I've ever seen. [ID: 31133747]
MatchID 31140272
We managed to kill the Ivy once, a moral victory :D
I am premade with McGuinness, our lane vs Haze/Seven felt equal skill, but the game quickly spun out of control.


3 players on my team that were completely unable to match the 3 on their team that they were matched against. This was my first ever game playing Yamato and I went 5/4 (with 2 of those deaths occurring in the final stomp) and 5/1 in laning phase, so clearly this was a question of extreme skill differentials between individual players on the enemy team.
I encounter this again and again. Very often I'm the best or almost the best in the team. Usually everyone else among allies has nonpositive kill-death difference.
E.g. in the 31142507 I've got 9-0 and we still lost.
Снимок экрана от 2024-12-29 21-47-52.png
The matchmaking is awful. Something is broken.
1 of 10 matches is competitive.
TBH I'm fed up and will not play for some time.
31139935 -- Just an absolute steam roll where we literally lost in less than 20 minutes. It was crazy how it happened.
infernus chainfeeding 0/8 in a solo lane in 10 minutes while voice spamming insults
yamato feeding 0/5 in 4 minutes, ended 1/14
That's the normal mm experience in this game.
Emissary rank is completely unplayable atm
Search has become ridiculously long, you sit for 5-10 minutes to find a match in which either your team does not know how to play, or someone will be out in the first minutes. Thanks, I'm done
Match ID: 31132874

Very high skill gap game. I am phantom 4 put into oracle 1 lobby. I had one other phantom/ascendant player and the rest of the teammates were archon/emissary.

Two teammates each ended up going 0-8 in laning phase as they were put against the other teams high rank players.
These type of games are not well balanced nor fun
I'm eterenus and I got placed in a phantom lobby (so most people were something like oracle I'd assume) after a queue that lasted less than 2 minutes. The matchmaking didnt even TRY to put me in a decent lobby.
Match ID: 31165225

My lane mate and I didn't have the best laning phase, but the entire rest of the team just lost their minds a few minutes in.

The Bebop was particularly bad. He would regularly punt enemies away from the team, and his ults were dreadful. The Haze was worse. He was running at the enemies with 30% health like he was going to kill a fed opponent. He straight up started griefing at ~12 min by walking into AOEs and trying to get the enemy team to kill him by walking back and forth left and right. He had the nerve to be passive aggressive about how the game was going during the match.

I don't understand how any player can get to this rank of play and still be useless and downright detrimental.

dynamo kamikaze chainfeeding.
This dude has at least 15 deaths everygame and gets dragged in everygame.
this dude is severely misranked.
Game was unplayable
31171481 and 31171978
I'm Emissary IV, playing in a 3 stack.
Played against "AVG", rank 18 NA in two back to back games. Both games were awful stomps.

Players were nice, but getting the same mis-queue twice in a row feels very bad.
> Peak Unfun
