Bad Matchmaking Thread


Absolutely obscene stomp. 23 minutes long. 3:1 kill ratio. 40K souls up.

Games like this aren't fun but are incredibly common right now.


Next game was significantly worse.
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Phantom 1 vs Phantom 4

Just a mismatch, my lane was fine but Vindicta and Ivy dominated the entire match from the beginning til the end. We only got any objectives because of waves being ignored.

Our team had significantly better coordination and communication, even though abrams and bebop didn't had the best mechanics. Felt like a very scrambled level of skill.1734412606785.png

All four opponent lanes were much, much better than ours; we did not take a walker the entire game (the one that did die was to creeps during their final push). The Wraith I laned against (I was the Lash) is an obvious smurf per their tracklock profile, given how almost all of their games they go like 20/1 even when their team loses.
Matchmaking became very boring. Literally almost every single game is predictable lose. Got 4 deranks from Phantom 6 to Phantom 2. Playing Oracle lobbies with visible newbies in team every single match (million deaths, low damage, low heal, zero kills, very little amount of assists etc.). Funniest thing from all this circus show is no matter what you do or what you not doing, game always ending in same way. This crap happening to me for at least 50 games in a row (with barely good games, like 1-2 good games for 10-15 bad). Just boring to play/grind, because there is no interest to tryhard/write there whatever you want and anyway get lose. Ah, and of course 1 of the best thing with current matchmaking - no matter how you play, anyway for 2-3 loses you get derank (3.8 KDA for last 10 games and ~3-3.5 KDA for last 25-35 games AT LEAST). Begging you for all players ranks recalibrate or matchmaking will be even worse then now (It's already peak). My STEAMID64 -


Yet another horrible match. Aside from this being horrendously one-sided there was a massive amount of bad behavior on both sides.

That Abrams did nothing but feed and abuse his team. The Kelvin was a pretty obvious smurf. The Bebop teabagged people.

It's pretty clear nobody cares about the report system and bad behavior isn't being punished. Awful matchmaking and bad behavior are going to kill this game if they aren't dealt with.
I'm Seeker 6/Alchemist 1 (red/blue), I get matched up with people from Arcanist (green) and even Ritualist (orange). Such people win the whole game against the other team and we cannot do much. Later I check these individuals on tracklock and here we go again - another player that is not supposed to be in this game.

I really like this game, but I feel bad due to this matchmaking.
Examples: (30576931, 30578582)

I have no idea what the Kelvin, Dynamo, Infernus and Vindicta and Haze where doing in this game. Haze was too good; the rest the score speaks for itself.

Enemy team was running broken builds for infernus, shiv, vindicta, mirage. We kept up with soul count until about the 30 minutes mark where the whole enemy team reached their peak power spikes and it snowballed from there, so many stacks of ignite from infernus and siphon from mirage were being built and across the board it was difficult to take down any enemies because of how tanky they were. On top of all that, matchmaking has been pretty bad due to a decreasing player count and will continue to be bad, so its not worth playing anymore for the time being.

my lane enemy was clealy new to the game, i have over 200 games played. it felt bad to shoot the enemy team, this was a total stomp. i stopped shooting them and started clearing the objectives to not frustrate them more. one enemy left the match after 0/10 which i totaly understand.

15 minute game, complete stomp. The only guardian the other team got was destroyed by troopers as we were invading their fortress.