Bad Matchmaking Thread


At this point it's just masochism to queue up... I don't know why I'm doing it anymore. I mean it's because there are no other good multiplayer games right now but still
of course! In usual deadlock fashion, yet again, I get a winstreak and that ONE LOSS is some bum you put on my game that goes 1/15.

WHAT THE FUCKS IS THIS???????????????????


Match ID: 30519984

I had been on vacation for about 2 weeks. Just got back, feeling super rusty. Flubbing all the tech I used to use. Don't think I successfully used a heavy melee cancel that entire match despite it being a mainstay for my playstyle.

I alone had 3 times the kills of the whole enemy team combined. My team had 13x times the enemy's....

Match ID: 30445611

Bebop (first match) and Viscous (1s match) where against a seven (660+ matches)
Dynamo (4th match) against McGinnis (220+ matches) and vindicta (125+ matches)
30520585: Blue and green lanes were horrifically outmatched for Amber, ending the game with an average KDA of 3.5/10.25/5.75. Amber never had a soul lead after 15 minutes in a 37-minute game.
30528189 Approximately 20k soul deficit 10 minutes in, game ended in 21st minute with a 40k soul difference. All lanes got completely overrun.
30533951 Ended in the 25th minute with approximately 50k soul difference. Even though this felt less 'stompy' than the other game, it also felt a lot less fun than other games in the past week.
tracked my last game on tracklock and found out that 2 players in my team has only 1-2 game in there steam account. Why this is ranked game if you can play with my level (arcanist 3) with 0 or 1 game at all? So the ranking system put this 2 players for checkout what level they have? But why sholud i suffer from this horrible game? 2 players have 10 death and 0 kills? Last 2 weeks my level jumping from arcanist 1 to arcanist 3 with zero chance to run away from it. Im tired im out sorry
30543848 - I am Yamato in this game

Allied Mo/Krill went 0-9 in lane and said he had not touched deadlock in months because of marvel rivals. maybe some sort of decay should happen?

Allied Geist complained all game and died without using ult in most fights.

Allied bebop was utterly destroyed by this experienced shiv. Overall both solo laners on sapphire caused the game to snowball

Enemy vindicta had less than half of the souls of the rest of her team at 20 minutes and was the sole reason they could not end despite being so far ahead. Vindicta, Mo, Geist and Bebop just seemed like they did not belong in the match.

Viscous, Dyanmo, me (hopefully), shiv, haze, inferunus, abrams, and mcginnis had balanced fights and were generally good players.

This game only stalled as long as it did because the enemy Vindicta continually fed, stifling their push. It probably would have been a 20 minute game without her
30540592: ~20k soul deficit at 10 mins. Game ended at 21 mins with 60k soul difference. Every other lane got stomped (except ours ofc).

I wonder how many times do I have to make reports over here to have made myself sound like a crying baby, but seriously, I am on a major losing streak right now, and most of them, very much like these two matches listed above, alongside the previous reports that I have made here, were either me getting in teams that clearly had no idea what they were doing, or against opponents that were obviously so much better than my team that they are legit smurfs, CONSECUTIVELY. What I meant here is that I've been put into the SAME WEAK TEAMMATES IN CONSECUTIVE MATCHES, OR UP AGAINST THE SAME SMURFS IN CONSECUTIVE MATCHES. Again, how is this even acceptable?

This is has been going so badly that it is really killing my excitement for this game. Trust me when I say Deadlock has been my favourite game that I have enjoyed the most in a very long time, but matches like this really killed it for me.

Also, I don't see the point of having the report system anyway, because I don't see any players facing any consequences for their poor behaviours whatsoever.

The gameplay had been great, but nothing matters if the player experience sucks.
30327381 - Enemy team had 40k lead by 20 minutes. My entire team was feeding. I am the only one positive in kills.'
30251659 - Enemy team had a 60 FUCKING THOUSAND soul lead by 20 minutes. My entire was HARD feeding. I am the ONLY one with any kills. My entire team is almost all 0-10 and I am 4-1.
30552547 - Enemy team had 2 hard feeders that fed our bebop. Less egregious than the other 2, but still boring af to play.
30521035 - This game looks close, but shouldn't have been. Our dynamo and lash had no idea how to play and kept dying alone halfway across the map to 5. At one point dynamo was like 2/14/3. Dynamo especially seemed like a completely new player that had no clue what he was doing.

At this point I don't even enjoy winning anymore because it's stomp or be stomped. But, also all the comeback mechanics just make everything drag. Most of the time you can see who's gonna win by 10 minutes with about 90% accuracy.

60k soul lead at the end. The 26-1 Vindicta ended their lane 9-0 against a teammate that said they didn't know what to do to defend against her.
We found out that some people is using purposedly destroyed accounts (ranked maybe "Initiate"), or new accounts in parties to lower the match's average rank.

Match ID: 30552549

Here we see:
- At least 3 Archon players (or higher) absolutely destroying players that rank Alchemist on average.
- 1 new account (first game ever)
- 1 purposedly destroyed account (20 matches in a row with score of 0-15 to 0-25)

This behavior is killing the experience for new or less skilled players for evident reasons:

1. The game turns evidently unbalanced and not funny
2. Less skilled players (initiate, seekers and alchemists) use to be matched in their solo games with these auxiliar accounts that farmers are purposedly destroying to use them as fillers in their matches with their mains.

Party size should have a heavier weight in matchmaking to prevent this average rank manipulation against more atomized and more balanced teams.
Match ID: 30554521

I'm Oracle 4 playing in an Archon 6 game. The enemy team has an Eternus 6 (I know because he's a streamer) and an Eternus 2 (queued with streamer).

This is ridiculous, 19 minute stomp, waste of my time.