Bad Matchmaking Thread

i haven't had a game that felt good in over a month. most of my games are my team losing every single lane, multiple games in a row. not even fun losses
a few examples: first 3 are games in a row 💀 30663107 , 30458268 , 30188703 , 28973167, 28752373 , 28539176
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
Every game I play now, someone leaves, says safe to abandon, yet im deranking, ive nuked 6 ranks cause of this every game, pretty close to not playing, cause as I drop, the players become worse and it isnt my fault... yeah im crying, this mm is horrible.
after almost 500 hours, i give up
the game has good mechanics, but the trash matchmaking is really unbearable and has removed all joy i had for this game
i am always paired with 5 players who have no brain, while the best players of the server are always on the enemy team

i have uninstalled it and will not be returning
thanks for the 100 out of 500 hours of fun i guess
The worst part is - the matchmaking two months ago was much better than this. Enemy team is always much stronger, plays better together, while in my team people are farming till we have no walkers left and we cant even beat two of their walkers before they have our patron down and finish. Great experience, great matchmaking. And it is not like I am underperforming, I always have the highest damage for objective / player, have good farm, try to help as good as I can. I have 10 kills average per game. Yet I get the most braindead people in my team while the other team just has an easy game against us. My Win-Loss dynamics are -8 for the last 10 games. Win 2 with luck in an uphill battle and lose 8 while the enemy has the easiest game of their life.

Our team was 0 and 18 at around 12 minutes in. We didn't even unlock a flex slot before they had already pushed in walker.

All lanes lost incredibly badly. At 1 point the enemy team had almost twice as many souls as ours did and it only turned around because they took pity on us and intentionally dropped the urn off next to the drop off for us to take. Awful game

Complete trainwreck of a match which ended in 14 minutes and where half of our team didn't have 8k souls by that point. My lane (me + Vindicta) were the only lanes that weren't a complete failure (Haze had 700 souls at a point where the opposing Pocket had 6k, etc)
Very shit game balance, can't even matchup the competitive heroes to team. Every single match is pointless to play or at least play till the end even I won it. Looks like game is dead in MM and there is no way to fix it.

Yet another game that our opponents were clearly way better than my team, and to make matters worse, one of my teammates just gave up straight away without trying halfway through. Boy have I dropped 3 ranks in about 10 games. Nicely done. I can hardly climb ranks with any of my wins, but 2 loses could result in 1 rank drop already. The worst part, is that the matchmaking IS NEVER FAIR.

One of my opponents was someone that I have played against, and have lost to. This time, yet again, that opponent was placed in THE OPPOSING TEAM ONCE AGAIN. What is this?

Seriously, I am utterly disappointed. All these reasons made me lost interest in playing more to avoid disappointments. I really loved this game, but it seems that the I am for whatever reason not allowed to enjoy this game at all. Just why? Isn't the point of making a game to make sure the players enjoy the game? Why allow the terrible matchmaking system to sour the entire gaming experience for the players?
In this game we werent even able to get the first towers, not even one (!) walker, while the enemy team downed already our patron and finished.

The matchmaking in its current state is unbearable. It is so anti fun, I dont even know what to say anymore.
My Teammates ALWAYS have bad farm, bad damage, bad anything. Why only in my team though? I cant carry people who are barely able to hold their mouse. I always manage to get good farm, a good amount of kills (having 10 kills on average lifetime), objective damage etc. Is there even a matchmaking? I really cant tell.
after almost 500 hours, i give up
the game has good mechanics, but the trash matchmaking is really unbearable and has removed all joy i had for this game
i am always paired with 5 players who have no brain, while the best players of the server are always on the enemy team

i have uninstalled it and will not be returning
thanks for the 100 out of 500 hours of fun i guess
I am agree with this post. Also almost 500 hours. Recently the matchmaker make the game absolutely trash. The difference between matches i won and matches i lose is dramaticly huge.

It is almost always one-sided and never balanced to be a close game.

I suppose it is somehow connected with a population in the game, the less population the more dificult to make a good balanced game.

But excuse me when I am waiting 4 plus minute and after this I get the team who lose every single fight and networht allready at 7 m minutes is 2x less..How it is even called working game at this point?

I am understand we all now are in the skin of free beta-testers, but the situation not even getting better after all this time past.

The situation is worth the day after day tbh. It is UROBOROS

People leave game becasue of BAD matchmaking . but matchmaking become worth becasue there is less people to chose from??

Isnt it?

If so then the game broken.


Can you spoil some work what you do behind the scene to make the game more playable and balanced??

Is it even really helpfull to make post here at all?

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I am agree with this post. Also almost 500 hours. Recently the matchmaker make the game absolutely trash. The difference between matches i won and matches i lose is dramaticly huge.

It is almost always one-sided and never balanced to be a close game.

I suppose it is somehow connected with a population in the game, the less population the more dificult to make a good balanced game.

But excuse me when I am waiting 4 plus minute and after this I get the team who lose every single fight and networht allready at 7 m minutes is 2x less..How it is even called working game at this point?

I am understand we all now are in the skin of free beta-testers, but the situation not even getting better after all this time past.

Can you spoil some work what you do behind the scene to make the game more playable and balanced??

Is it even really helpfull to make post here at all? I also will duplicate it in General private messages.
Same here, i quit from this game after they removed ranked. Cause removing this game mode made casual matches literaly unplayable. Im returned now after 2 weeks of chill, and want to try to get a skins. But after 24 games in 2 days only thing that I can say: "Game is in a full shit state, but we have Xmas skins"
The match-up it literally worse then it was before, all meta heroes in enemy team while my team have the rest of hero pool. Looks like players filled by a random system not even looking on their hours in game , K\D or even on their "rank".
There is no competitive matches at all. For 24 games only 2 games where i feel some balance between players and this game was like around 40-50 min both. But rest of games is typical: "5-10 min in Q -> loosing all lanes/fights till 10 min -> GG on 20 min." There is no fun to play this matches, especially when you feel that game put really bad players versus you and let you easy win to recover your previous loses. Like what the point of this?
I went from Asc1 to Oracle6 for all this 24 games. And the most fun that Im playing every single game with exact same players and no matter If I enable extra competitve mode, I enable solo only - this didn't affect on matchmaking at all. I have the all same players vs me or with me in team.

There is no fun to play it, or any reason for now. Quaity of matches is garbage, Idk what happens on lower rank but on Phantoms its a dissaster. Its always one side stomp without any chances. I don't even feel this wins cause its literally a deathloop system of W\L now.

Game died even before out in release.
Match ID 30707122. The numbers speak for themselves, the opposing team immediately blazed through all my teammates guardians and proceeded to take our base with little resistance.

Players like these need to be punished. Just rewatched the replay and he's throwing the game because he died 1 time in lane to a gank.
Oracle-Phantom lobbies btw.
Phantom 1 average game with 1 Eternus (I am one of them) player on each team. There were Archon/low oracle players in this match. ????????

Phantom 4 and 3 average game with again, 1 Eternus player on each team. This time slightly better as mostly high oracle, but that's still really fucking bad. There's like 2-3 high rank players on each team and the rest are just phantom or below. This is genuinely horrible matchmaking man.