Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match ID: 30119155, 30117976.

Both games, every single lane lost. Come back urn helped slightly with souls but we weren't able to get kills.

The matchmaking has been AWFUL ever since ranked and unranked got merged. I feel like I get shitstomped in every single game I play by players that are head and shoulders above me in skill level. I understand the matches can get harder in general simply because most casual players dropped the game after the hype has died down, but not even deranking from Phantom 6 to Oracle 1 has made the games any easier. I am having this issue both when playing solo and when playing with 1 or 2 friends

I'm on the east coast in NA and the game is putting my in EU games and generally higher than my rank. This game is Oracle 6 average and I'm Archon 5. Is this just a function of low NA player count?

The matchmaking has been AWFUL ever since ranked and unranked got merged. I feel like I get shitstomped in every single game I play by players that are head and shoulders above me in skill level. I understand the matches can get harder in general simply because most casual players dropped the game after the hype has died down, but not even deranking from Phantom 6 to Oracle 1 has made the games any easier. I am having this issue both when playing solo and when playing with 1 or 2 friends
yeah the matchmaking has the same issue as the CS games. It thinks one decent player and five tongue chewing ingrates vs. six "slightly-less-skilled-than-best-player"s is a good match-up. I'm guessing this is for placement matches in the same way CS would do when you were in elo hell.
-30k difference in soul economy in 16 mins and 1 person gave up and left

-50k difference in soul economy in 20 mins and 1 person gave up and left
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
Dear Yoshi,
I have some concerns on matchmaking state after the last update(Extra Competitive mode and and 2 frontliners priority didn't improve my gaming experience so far, moreover, they ruined it)
I've calibrated on Arcanist V rank, wich was lower than all of my friends(they have Ritualist ii avg). Now I was playing in order to up may rank with "Extra Competetive" mode turned on and I've come to conclusion, that EC mode does not really apply on my teammates, cuz I've asked part of my teammates, and they didn't really knew of the mode. One guy said, when I answered if he had EC on, that he turned it off, due to "strange teammates" in lobbies.
Here is my match history for today : 30134860 , 30135176 , 30135914, 30136767 , 30138348 , 30139523 , 30140450 , 30141029 , 30142144 <- last one.
I have 100% wins on Haze and 0% win on Infernus, and it is obvious that basic knowledge of my teammates, while I play on Haze is MUCH BETTER than, when I play on Infernus. Most of the times my teammates play on heroes they never played/have 5 games avg on them. The avg lobby rank was ALWAYS lower than mine. It is obvious, that matchmaker choses me as "frontliner", it can be seen in 30141029 stats(me and haze), but it feels that I've stuck in a very strange situation: I have EC on, and I want to play on higher level, but I am considered as a frontliner(which I probably am in lower ranks, but not on higher ones) so I am put with lower skill team, that is completely opposite of what I wanted to do...

Also in 30% of the games people have left. Does it affect my rating, bc I still have to play against loosing team(or in it) and spend my time, so what was the point in playing so far if it does not affect my rank?

P.S. Also I have played with the same guy in 4 games strait....


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4 kils to 44. It seems you guys honestly dont give a shit about this game and community. Out of 30 games only won like 2. Tried a different hero even worse of a game experience. The constant shit storm of your matchmaking is just depressing. At least enable a god damn surrender buttom instead of making people play through a shit game afk in spawn for 14 min you dumb fucks.
MatchID: 30153407

I have 415 matches played, 433 hours played. The lash on my team said he's played a total of 10 games. He doesn't even know what half the game mechanics are yet. Why are we in the same match?
ID: 30154894
ID: 30157461 (Vindi likely cheating)

I have been really trying to be patient, but this is getting unplayable.
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Matches played with a newer friend, get unfair matchups in both clearly lopsided matches. Not sure whats going on, but its getting a bit exhausting.
another game, the usual stuff: infernus going solo lane 0/7 in 7 minutes, misplaced skillwise cuz there's either smurfing on party skill disparity on the other side. Every single game is like this. Solo queue is trash, and extra competitive is a joke
I played on the first account before the (update with a weekly rank), and got the Emissary rank. But with my game there was no place for me there, because every game I didnt enjoy farming 15-20 kills and I coudnt get rank up. I decided to create a new account and play calibration in the hope that it would give at least an Archon, in the end it was even worse, they gave me an Arcanist. After that I lost the desire to play this game. Fix the rank determiner, thanks

absolute stomp, just pushed the full hp walker alone in three people, ignoring shots or just dodging them and than killed all three afterwards alone in around minute 15. Game was 5v6 pretty early for us, basically finished solo and farmed anyone along the way. Laning phase was mostly me 2v1, yet I went into lead. It felt like Emissary/Ritualist versus someone who just installed.

Getting such games after losing five games. Valves way of matchmaking is wrong at its core and thats the problem why such games even come up. Getting matched with players that are underperforming after a win streak ending in a lose streak and than getting matched versus enemies which are significantly worse than me until I go into a win streak again, barely having time in the sweet spot where balance is achieved before the cycle repeats. It feels like dota matchmaking was copypasted.

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