Bad Matchmaking Thread


This only lasted so long because they decided to push into our base without pushing out the lanes, so I was able to destroy one of their shrines by myself. Didn't matter though, because my entire team kept trying to win team fights when we were more than 30k souls behind. They kept getting wiped and we fell even further behind. I was trying to farm the whole time but they were already ahead by the end of the laning phase, so they kept pushing, destroyed our walkers and eventually destroyed both our shrines before we even got one walker.

Also what's with Grey Talons trap turning enemies into broken CRT monitors? Looks so out of place.
A common theme I'm seeing here is some of a team "feeding", leading to games that "feel" like unwinnable stomps to the rest of their team with lower death rates. There are plenty of examples here where people die 15 times in a 30 minute game, meaning they're spending half the game waiting in respawn. We don't see death counts that high in higher skill levels.

If the game is going to reward kills with so many souls, perhaps player ranks should be similarly penalised for deaths? Like if each death penalised your overall soul count equal to the number of souls you gave the enemy team, then the score board would be a much better reflection of how much impact each player had on the overall game economy.
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This only lasted so long because they decided to push into our base without pushing out the lanes, so I was able to destroy one of their shrines by myself. Didn't matter though, because my entire team kept trying to win team fights when we were more than 30k souls behind. They kept getting wiped and we fell even further behind. I was trying to farm the whole time but they were already ahead by the end of the laning phase, so they kept pushing, destroyed our walkers and eventually destroyed both our shrines before we even got one walker.

Also what's with Grey Talons trap turning enemies into broken CRT monitors? Looks so out of place.
lets use this as an example.

If we roughly average the souls given on player death to around 750 over the course of this game, then subtract those death souls from the scores on the Amber hand, we get a much better representation of how the game actually went

on the in-game scoreboard it looks like the abrams was not far behind the rest of the team, so that player probably doesn't even think they did that poorly.

However, when we adjust the souls to account for their deaths in orange, we clearly see they dragged the team down and directly lead to the uneven game. It seems like this should be accounted for more strongly in the player rankings.

It'd be really nice if there were diagetic queues in game to help with macro and positioning. That Abrams player could have heard voice lines like "I'm taking a lot of damage, better be careful" or more instructional "I'll be safer if I stay near this walker".


Usually placed in a solo queue as ivy, which still sucks. Wasn't this fixed a while ago? I'm lucky if someone switches, but usually my switch requests are ignored. I don't think people even know that the switch lane buttons exist.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
"Competitive matchmaking" yet I get even worse teammates than in regular matchmaking? team balancing is somehow even worse than standard with an embarrassing high amount of players that clearly do not belong in this rank.1733807083086.png
lets use this as an example.

If we roughly average the souls given on player death to around 750 over the course of this game, then subtract those death souls from the scores on the Amber hand, we get a much better representation of how the game actually went

on the in-game scoreboard it looks like the abrams was not far behind the rest of the team, so that player probably doesn't even think they did that poorly.

However, when we adjust the souls to account for their deaths in orange, we clearly see they dragged the team down and directly lead to the uneven game. It seems like this should be accounted for more strongly in the player rankings.

It'd be really nice if there were diagetic queues in game to help with macro and positioning. That Abrams player could have heard voice lines like "I'm taking a lot of damage, better be careful" or more instructional "I'll be safer if I stay near this walker".

200 iq post right there. Valve should pay this man for this post and fire their intern handling matchmaking.
yeah the matchmaking has the same issue as the CS games. It thinks one decent player and five tongue chewing ingrates vs. six "slightly-less-skilled-than-best-player"s is a good match-up. I'm guessing this is for placement matches in the same way CS would do when you were in elo hell.
It can't be lack of games to rank me by. I have over 300 hours. It honestly feels like I'm the only tongue chewer in a lobby full of elite Russian Ritalin abusers with 30ms reaction times and perfect aim...
I have played 7 games in the past 2 days and the match making feels very bad. I go from an ASC 3 lobby (30125121) to the next game being Oracle 5(30126467). My next 4 games were all low phantom or high Oracle (30128364, 30175857, 30175857, 30179783). Then my next lobby is an ASC 2 lobby (30180863). I hate this inconsistency especially when my rank is ASC 2. Almost all of these games I am duo Q with my friend who is also ASC 2 so when we get a low phantom/high Oracle lobby the rest of our teammates (or the majority) must be way lower than the lobby rank to have it avg to low phantom/high Oracle. Thes games almost always feel bad and even though I can stomp them and win it isn't an enjoyable experience. I desperately want to play in lobbies with people of similar skill level consistently. It sucks Qing and being like oh is this going to be one of those games. It's also frustrating that I feel that if I was a rank or 2 higher, (ASC 3/4) I wouldn't be getting down placed and would be up placed instead. I would much rather wait 2-3x as long for a lobby that is good and my skill level then getting these weird balanced matches that match making is giving me the majority of the time.

There are also 2 games specifically 30179783 and 30175857 that had multiple players saying that have not played the game in weeks/months. I checked tracklock and could confirm. Why me (ASC 2 rank, plays 5-10 hours a day) gets matched with someone who hasn't played in weeks/months and is many tiers lower than me?

I love competitive deadlock games when each teams have similar skill. Thats when this game is at its most fun. Not when you take high ranked players and low ranked players to average out lobbies.
match ID: 30214523|

The geist and the grey talon were extremely new to the game. this was their 8th game ever going against a full team of people who've been playing for well over 40-50 games.
Three cheating vindictas in a row. American players getting queued on EU servers. Not even bad matchmaking being able to put worse players in the enemy team so that you have the slightest chance. Why is your game like this?


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I would LOVE it if Value would stop matchmaking me with people who ignore the text chat and are just abusive. The number of players who shout the N word at people, or call the team 'Retards', and spout lots of other abuse, especially in the Voice Chat is insane. Every time there is a player like that it is a 50/50 chance they will quit the match early, or due to not wanting to win, we lose.
It has gotten so bad recently, and there is seemingly nothing being done to stop it. I get the feeling it has gotten worse because players have seen that they won't get banned for it. Players throwing slurs should be banned from the game, but I'm not even sure they are suspended. Value have a unique opportunity to also stop these users being on Steam. They have all the power, but nothing is being done to use it? I have no faith though, the number of slurs I see in people's Steam usernames says to me that they don't care anymore, and as a result they force game development studios and now themselves to pay the price by having to deal with these people themselves. This seems unlikely since Value are in charge of both. A huge disappointment.
Match ID: 30232186

Abrams was a PvE super noob. You can tell by the score. The mcginnis started crying 13 mins into the game that it's unwinnable so we can't make any moves on the map or get any kills and that "it's over".
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