Bad Matchmaking Thread

Constant games where having new players being placed in higher mmr 23 games played with less than 10% of thos being wins. My rank didnt change holy fucking shit is the matchmaking crap. Why bother to play if this is the constant shit i have to deal with. The extra competitive option does jack shit cause no one is still talking in comms, pinging or even using the chat. The game was fun 2 months ago now its crap.

Oracle 5

Maybe one of the least fun matches i've ever played. My lane partner started roaming at minute 1, so i had to 1v2 all lane. Both of our solo lanes were shitstomped and then abandoned lanes long before they even damaged their guardians. Zero comms. Zero objective presence. Just a bunch of underlevelled fight chasers being boiled slowly alive by a team of fed frontliners.
what did you do with matchmaking? Holy shit thats as more shit as Counterstrike:

Not even one nice game ... GG
seven clearly misplaced. Either mm isnt working at all, or there's a serious problem with smurf messing up rank combinations.
Solo queue is atrocious
"competitive matchmaking" for me doesn't seem to work at all. For 4 last games I only get 1 normal teammate and others are just roaming around the map. I even had teammates who deal 5-6k damage in 40+ minutes game. Last game I got 2 of them. IT IS VERY FRUSTRATING, VERY.



First 2 weeks of ranked matchmaking was much much better for me. People actually knew what to do and built normal, useful items.
Now it's way worse and not enjoyable

how is this oracle 3? 40k soul diff in 20 minutes. infernus does not understand that if another lane loses tower the enemies are coming for you next. also I am archon 5 core rating with viscous having a lower rating so what is this?

Seems like 2 new players got put in an archon game with Extra Competitive on. One player even got so tilted they sat in spawn the rest of the game after laning. 67k soul gap
(most my stats are highest)
this is all games in a row, i have phantom 4, but still playing oracle lobbys, rly tired grind this lobbys
like doesen't metter how much more games i won, i still playing with oracles, idk why
i feal like im in a jail
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this patch needed to make some major changes both to matchmaking and balance and it miserably failed at both, the only time matchmaking was workable was when we had actual ranked that was locked to solo queue

from 80% winrate in ranked at a higher elo to whatever this dogshit is, is it really matchmaking or is it just that half the roster is obscenely overtuned? I think it's actually the latter which makes it all the more frustrating, losing games to the same couple op heros piloted by players that are actually worse than you but it doesn't matter cause they do enough damage to kill you instantly and take reduced damage while they do it!

I used to think people saying the game was dying were just trolls but it's definitely happening and at this rate it won't matter if you stick it on the front page of steam cause there will be close to zero player retention...

I have 640 hours in deadlock, I really want to play the game I invested so much of my time into again. I felt like I was getting better at the game when ranked was out, I was climbing, I had an impact on my matches. That feeling is completely gone, every match feels like a coin flip that comes up heads or tails before you even load in.

Particularly upsetting game. This was with the competitive queue mode on. Yamato and I were the only lanes that didn't lose and we did our best to gank the other lanes to try and save them, but how can we do that when the entirety of our team is losing? Super frustrating.

Particularly upsetting game. This was with the competitive queue mode on. Yamato and I were the only lanes that didn't lose and we did our best to gank the other lanes to try and save them, but how can we do that when the entirety of our team is losing? Super frustrating.
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try asking around in your lobbies and see who does and doesnt have the competitive queue option on (hint: it doesn't do anything)